Title: Jacobs’ Piano Folio of Characteristic and Descriptive Pieces, No. 6
Author: Walter Jacobs, Inc.
Publisher: Boston: Walter Jacobs, Inc., 1924
Series: Modern movie music
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: Paul Eno, Thomas S. Allen, Gomer Bath, Jesse M. Winne, Charles L. Johnson
OCLC Number: 894875361
Contents: 1. In Bugdom by Eno
2. On Desert Sands by Allen
3. Little Italy by Bath
4. Chimney Corner by Eno
5. Fun in a Barber Shop by Winne
6. Cabaret Capers by Allen
7. Dixie Twilight by Johnson
Notes: for piano
Source: Greg Breed
SFSMA ID: 7N80vLi6B2
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