Nuit d’Amour (Night of Love)

Nuit d’Amour (Night of Love)

Michel, Eugene

Earle, Henry Edmond

Notated music

Los Angeles (Calif.)

W. A. Quincke & Co.


27 unnumbered pages

Slight amount of handwritten markings seen throughout. A handwritten note on page 2 reads, “To Sigma Donatell with the compliments of the Publishers. W. A. Quincke & Co.”

sheet music

1st flute (1 copy) ; 1st clarinet in A (1 copy) ; 2nd clarinet in A (1 copy) ; 1st oboe (1 copy) ; 1st bassoon (1 copy) ; 1st cornet in A (1 copy) ; 2nd cornet in A (1 copy) ; 1st horn in F (1 copy) ; 1st trombone B. C. (1 copy) ; drums (1 copy) ; timpani (1 copy) ; 1st violin (1 copy) ; 2nd violin (1 copy) ; viola (1 copy) ; string bass (1 copy) ; cello (1 copy) ; piano (1 copy) ; harmonium (1 copy)

California Lutheran College File Number: 1169

Orchestration copy notes: 1 Copy

Envelope file number: 1169


American Music Research Center



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