Title: On To Reno
Author: Rudolph Berliner
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: “Reno, I Hear You Calling Me” by Marsales
- Be It Ever So: “In A Little World For Two from ‘Princess Pat’” by Herbert
- I Can’t Bear To: “I Love A Little Cottage” by O’Hara
- Vera Goes Into Kitchen: “Love In Aready” by Wood
- Insert—Newspaper: “Listen To This” by Kaufman
- Insert—Office Door: “Vanity” by Jackson
- Just Heard You Could: “There’s A Trick In Picking a Chick-Chick-Chicken” by Tobias
- Man and Two Women Seated At Desk: “You Don’t Like It—Not Much” by Miller
- I’m Foolish Enough: “Cinderella” by Loraine
- Insert—Office Door—Buddy Appears: “Dream Buddy” by Herscher
- Exterior of House: “Heart Beats” by Miles
- Insert—Photo: “Oh What I’d Give To Bring You Back” by Oakland
- On To Reno: Repeat No.1 “Reno, I Hear You Calling Me”
- Colored Man Seen: “Sweet Georgia Brown” by Bernie
- Paying Mrs. Herbert Holmes: “Caprice” by Somerville
- All Aboard: “Jolly Jingles” by Powell
NOTE: Train effects ad lib.
- Insert—Music Notes: Repeat No.1 “Reno, I Hear You Calling Me”
- Vera Kisses Photo: “Sweet Man” by Pinkard
- I Never Saw Such: “Stop It” by Kaufman
- Women Singing: Repeat No.1 “Reno, I Hear You Calling Me”
- Reno, Where Discontented: “In and Out” by Samuels
NOTE: Train effects ad lib.
- Buddy In Breakfast Nook: “The Cat” by Jones
- Vera and Maid Seen: “Tender Heart” by Baga
- Man Arrives At House: “Say It With A Red, Red Rose” by Greer
- Motor Car Arrives: “Punchinello” by Herbert
- Man Sees Vera In Bathroom: “She’s Got ‘It’” by Davis
- Door Opens—Vera Sees Man: “Gee Whiz” by Losch
- Buddy Packing Suitcase: “Spirit of Youth” by Dahlquist
- Women Seen In Room: “The Apache Dance” by Offenbach
- Buddy Outside With Officer: “Sakes Alive” by Howard
- Two Motor Cars Arrive At House: “Playful Rondo” by Greene
- Vera and Buddy Meet: “Le Secret” by Gautier
- They Kiss: “Let’s Make Up” by Golden
- Buddy Sees Cigar: “Fairy Tales” by Komzak
- I’d Like To: “Waltz-Scherzo” by Strauss
- Holmes Sees Vera and Buddy: “Swing Along” by Cook
- Holmes Crawling On Lawn: “Creeping Shadows” by Baron
- Womanhood Triumphs: “The Joker” by Srawley
- Holmes Arrives: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
- Vera and Mrs. Holmes Upstairs—Buddy Enters Room: “Defiant Love” by Schad
- Holmes Seen: “Don’t Blame It All On Me” by Morse
- Did You Say: “They’re Off” by Steinhauser
- Hey Vera, I Got The: “No Wonder I’m Happy” by Davis
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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