Jacobs’ Piano Folio of Common-Time Marches, No. 3

Title: Jacobs’ Piano Folio of Common-Time Marches, No. 3

Author: Walter Jacobs, Inc.

Publisher: Boston: Walter Jacobs, Inc., 1923.

Series: Modern movie music

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: VIctor G. Boehnlein. J. Bodewalt Lampe, C. Fredrick Clark, F. H. Gray, H. Howard Chapey, S. Gibson Cooke

OCLC Number: 222491317

Contents: 1. The Carrolronian by Boehnlein
2. For the Flag by Lampe
3. Heroes of the Air by Clark
4. Men of Harvard by Gray
5. The Masterstroke by Lampe
6. Cross-Country by Chapey
7. Onward Forever by Cooke

Notes: for piano

Source: Greg Breed

SFSMA ID: eY7bvTccBd

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