For the Love of Mike

Title: For the Love of Mike

Author: James C. Bradford

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Princess Pat Fox-Trot” by Herbert
  2. Twenty Years Ago: “Sidewalks of New York from ‘Old Timers’” by Lake
  3. An Argument That Started: “They Bowery from ‘Old Timers’” by Lake
  4. Babies in this Section: “Mighty Lak’a Rose” by Nevin
  5. Officer Enters: “Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded from ‘Emerald Isle’” by Langey
  6. Don’t Forget to Bring Him Up: “Playful Rondo” by Greene
  7. Otto Starts to Play Clarinet: “Fairy Tales” by Komzak
  8. Otto Stops Dancing With Child: “Whispering Flowers” by V. Blon
  9. Child Placed on Pillow: “Poupee Valsante” by Poldini
  10. Oft in the Stilly Night: “Oft in the Stilly Night from ‘Dreams of Erin’” by DeWitt
  11. Prosperity Smiled on Three Bachelors: “Promenade” by Rapee-Axt
  12. Believe It or Not: “Chatter” by Kahn
  13. Mike Enters Room: “Fragrance Lane” by Fresco
  14. They Want You to be a Big Man: THEME “No One Knows” by Gordon
  15. Mike Packing Satchel: “I’m Sitting on Top of the World” by Henderson
  16. I Thought Maybe: Repeat Theme No.14
  17. Be Smart Mike: “Marionette” by Arndt
  18. With A Fire Sale Here: “March Blue” by Lake
  19. Evelyn Joyce: “She’s Got ‘It’” by Davis
  20. The Proud Fathers Had Planned: “A Hot Time” by Beyer
  21. The Rehearsal: “Wearing of the Green” by Ascher
  22. Migot, That Sounds Like: Repeat No. 20 “A Hot Time”
  23. Henry Sharp’s Exclusive Club: “There’s a Trick in Pickin’ a Chick-Chick-Chicken” by Tobias
  24. Eight O’Clock: “Old Timers” by Lake
  25. Flash-Back to Sharp’s Club: “Love ‘Em Up in the Air” by Burke
  26. Ten O’Clock: “Calling” by Golden
  27. Fade-Out After Mike Loses At Roulette: “Come Back to Erin from ‘The Shamrock’” by Tobani
  28. Mike Appears in Doorway Drunk: “Day of Doom” by Joels
  29. Three Friends with Back Turned: “Reproach” by Zamecnik
  30. Next Morning: “Chanson Algerian” by Bradford
  31. Then You Will Try: Repeat Theme No. 14
  32. The Day of Yale-Harvard Regatta: “On the Campus” by Sousa
  33. Yale Flag: “Yale Boola from ‘College Life’” by Hinrichs
  34. Sharp, the Gambler Enters: “Symphonic Incidentals No.6” by Marquardt
  35. Harvard Flag: “Fair Harvard from ‘College Life’” by Hinrichs
  36. Flash to Mike and Chum: “Amoroso Appassionato” by Delille
  37. Over the Boat: Repeat No.18 “Marche Blue”
  38. The Starting Flag: “Campus Memories” by Seredy
  39. Shot—Race Starts: “Aeroplane Galop” by Lamothe                Segue: “The Live Wire” by Frey                                                                                    Segue: “By Wireless” by Berge
  40. Yale Wins: “Yale Boola” by Hirsh
  41. Mike Greets Old Friends On Dock: “Dear Little Boy of Mine” by Ball
  42. Sharp, The Gambler Appears: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  43. After Sharp Lands in Water: Repeat Theme No. 14

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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