Autumn Gold

Title: Autumn Gold (Reverie)

Author: Cecil Kappey

Publisher: New York: Belwin Inc., 1923

Series: Belwin Concert Edition No. 77

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Cecil Kappey, Scored by Morris Aborn

OCLC Number:


Notes: for Piano (Conductor), Clarinet 1, Trumpets, Cello, Violin 1, Trombone, Percussion, Flute, Bass, Violin 2 and Obbligato, Viola; Clarinet 1, Trumpets, Cello, and Violin 1 parts inside Piano part

Source: Chuck Berg Silent Film Music Collection


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This digitization was supported by a University of Kansas School of Music General Research Fund.

Belwin Folio of Romantic Pieces, Vol. 2

Title: Belwin Folio of Romantic Pieces, Vol. 2

Author: Belwin, Inc.

Publisher: New York: Belwin, Inc., 1917

Series: Belwin Piano Pleasures

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Charles Lindgreen, Joseph Carl Breil, Joen Fresco, Joseph Zivelli, Cecil Kappey

OCLC Number: 500751619

Contents: 1. Elves in the Moonlight, Caprice by Lindgreen
2. Little Flower Garden, Caprice by Breil
3. Strolling Dolly, Caprice by Lindgreen
4. Lady Lilly, Intermezzo by Fresco
5. Scented Flowers, Romance by Zivelli
6. Autumn Gold, Reverie by Kappey

Notes: for piano

Source: Greg Breed

SFSMA ID: awUf4vfrd0

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