Marche Triomphale Creole

Title: March Triomphale Creole (From the “Suite Creole”)

Author: Christiaan Kriens

Publisher: New York: G. Schrimer, 1921

Series: G. Schrimer’s Galaxy of Orchestra Music No. 178

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Christiaan Kriens

OCLC Number: 39114298


Notes: for Violin 1, Piano (Conductor), Flute, Viola, Violin 2, Drums, Violin Obbligato, Harmonium, Clarinet 1, Cello, Bass, Trombone, Trumpet 1, Trumpet 2; Written note on top of Violin 1 next to title: “Of Course.”

Source: Chuck Berg Silent Film Music Collection


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This digitization was supported by a University of Kansas School of Music General Research Fund.