Title: Belwin Folio of Romantic Pieces, Vol. 1
Author: Belwin, Inc.
Publisher: New York: Belwin, Inc., 1917
Series: Belwin Piano Pleasures
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: Jacques Pintel, H. C. Frommel, Charles Gras, Gaston Borch, Irene Varley
OCLC Number: 500751619
Contents: 1. First Call of Spring, Serenade by Smith
2. By Gone Days by Pintel
3. Twilight Fancies, Reverie by Frommel
4. A Place of Dreams, Romance by Gras
5. Serenade Romantique by Borch
6. Love’s Enchantment, Intermezzo by Varley
Notes: for piano
Source: Greg Breed
SFSMA ID:KsZ5pa033o
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