The Hands of Nara

Title: The Hands of Nara

Author: Ernst Luz

Publisher: Belwin, 1922


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Ernst Luz

OCLC Number:


  1. Chanson Russe
  2. Elegie by Barmotine
  3. Melancolie
  4. America
  5. Russian Romance
  6. Dance of Wood Nymphs
  7. Slumberland
  8. Shadowland
  9. Golden Showers
  10. Romance D’Amour
  11. Carissima
  12. Midsummer Night’s Serenade
  13. The Vampire
  14. Lamentoso by Borch
  15. Romance D’Amour
  16. Russian Romance
  17. Devotion by Herbert
  18. Romance D’Amour
  19. Melody of Peace
  20. Melancolie by Granier
  21. Canzonetta by Hammer
  22. Russian Romance
  23. Devotion by Herbert
  24. Poetique
  25. At Sunset
  26. Prelude by Rachmaninoff
  27. Midsummer Night’s Serenade
  28. Melody of Peace
  29. Lamentoso by Borch No. 29
  30. Destiny
  31. Hurry by O’Hare No. 24
  32. Romance D’Amour

Notes: Cues transcribed by Mariana Whitmer.

Source: Silent Film Collection, Claire Hamack materials, American Music Research Center, University of Colorado at Boulder


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