Title: A Harp in Hock
Author: Rudolph Berliner
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1916
Format: Cue sheet
Document type: Cue sheet
All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner
OCLC Number:
- At screening: “Streets of New York” from Red Mill by Herbert
- Abrams enters shop: “Der Rabi Hot Geheisen Lustig Sein” by Fleischman
- Don’t feel so bad: “Sadness” by Engleman
- There is a limit: “Bleeding Hearts” by Levy
- Through the days: “Starland” by O’Connor
- Woman carrying candle seen: “Tears” by Reyer
- Woman kisses beads: “Silent Woe” from Three Songs from Eliland by V. Fielitz
- It wasn’t so difficult: Repeat No. 2 “Der Rabi Geheisen Lustig Sein”
- Man enters eith tool box: “Frailach No. 5” by Ascher
- Fade-in—Dispensary—east side: “Miss Mischief” by Kempinski
- Timothy seen in shop: “Humoresque” by Tschaikovsky
- Two boys start fighting: “Rage” by Axt
- Doctor and Timothy in shop: “Little Trifler” by Barnard
- The night of the: “Springtime of Life” by Marquardt
- Doctor sees Nora leave in auto: “All Alone” by Berlin
- Why eat herring: “Listen to This” by Kaufman
- Insert—Violin—people dancing: “Steppin’ In Society” by Askt
- Doctor sees Nora: “Oh, You” by Suskind
- Doctor and Nora leave Abrams’ table: “Charmaine” by Rapee
- Nora and doctor stop dancing: “Lucky-Buck” by Levan
- Fade-in—Nora and doctor at stone wall: “Because I Love You” by Berlin
- Abrams seen in shop: “The Joker” by Srawley
- Timothy starts swaying: “Mal de Mer” by Lange
- Man and woman enter shop: “Mysterious Stranger” by Kay
- The haunting fear: “Elegy” by Friml
- Two men enter shop: Repeat No. 24 “Mysterious Stranger”
- Go to sleep: “Poeme d’Espoir” by Gabriel Marie
- Timothy goes back to officers: “Poursuite Dramatique” (Drigo’s Cinema Classics)
- Insert—West side orphanage: “The Thoroughbred” by Englemann
- Abrams seen: “Pelerinage” by Franceschi
- Timothy comes to window: “Prelude” by Chopin
- Insert—Pari of shoes: “Resignation” by Casadesus
- Nora and aunt seen outside: “Twilight Hour” by Savino
- Police car arrives: “Allegro Misterioso” by Axt
- Abrams see Timothy: “Joy” by Zamecnik
- Timothy leaves Abrams’ lap: “Melodie” by Rachmaninoff
- Crowd seen outside: “Unrest” by Geehl
- Insert—Commissioner of child welfare: “Whispering Hope” by Dews
- Abrams seen at door: “Excitement” by Breil
- The commissioner says: Repeat No. 2 “Der Rabi Geheisen Lustig Sein”
- Boys start fighting: “Paddy Whack” by Ascher
Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering
Source: Carl Braun Collection
SFSMA ID: 7z4aNtkqt6
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