Title: Jacobs’ Piano Folio of Common-Time Marches No. 1
Author: Walter Jacobs, Inc.
Publisher: Boston: Walter Jacobs, Inc., 1911
Series: Modern movie music
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: E. E. Bagley, P. Hans Flath, H. J. Crosby, Neil Moret, Joseph F. Wagner, Victor G. Boehnlein, George L. Cobb
OCLC Number: 222491317
Contents: 1. National Emblem by Baglet
2. The Moose by Flath
3. Magnificent by Crosby
4. Dolores by Moret
5. League of Nations by Wagner
6. The Gartland by Boehnlein
7. Law and Order by Cobb
Notes: for piano
Source: Greg Breed
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