Dry Martini

Title: Dry Martini

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Blue Law Blues” by Lake
  2. With the coming: “Lords and Ladies” by Salzer
  3. Two policemen enter café with man: “Witty Moments” by Marquardt
  4. I’m sailin’ for old: “My New York” by Berlin
  5. Girl seen at telephone: “Y’A D’Jolies Femmes” by Salabert
  6. Quimby leaves café with dog: Repeat No. 2 “Lords and Ladies”
  7. I guess Fletcher just: “Chanson sans Paroles” by Tschaikowsky
  8. Quimby leaves Lina: Repeat No. 2 “Lords and Ladies”
  9. Group of men seen drinking: “He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” by Loesch
  10. Bad news: “Contrary” by Barnes
  11. Quimby walks into guest room: “Chastity” by Kay
  12. Butler brings in drinks: “Two in a Bar” by Copping
  13. Woman and man seen thru window fo café door: “Le Reve de L’Apache” by Donaldson
  14. Meet Paul de Launay: “Laughing Love” by Christine
  15. Frenchman leaves café: Repeat No. 12 “Two in a Bar”
  16. Change of scene to Lina’s apartment: “Chant d’Amour” by Jacquet
  17. I’ve terrible: “Under the Leaves” by Thome
  18. Lina answers telephone: “Souvenir Douloureux” by Bicchiere
  19. Phonograph starts to play: Orchestra tacet – play phonograph record of “My Heart Stood Still” (Fox-Trot)
  20. Quimby arrives home: “Amour Coquet” by Friml
  21. Hello, Dad: “Wings of Joy” by Van Norman
  22. Quimby leads daughter to guest room: “Tell Me You Love Me” by Santly
  23. Father and daughter seen in guest room: “Lady of My Heart” by Roder
  24. Flash back to young couple: Repeat No. 22 “Tell Me You Love Me”
  25. Fletcher seen in doorway: Repeat No. 3 “Witty Moments”
  26. Well, Frederick: Repeat No. 21 “Wings of Joy”
  27. Fade-in to books: “Paris Life” by Mosay
  28. Change of scene to cemetery: “Les Champs” by Bradford-Boutelje
  29. Ritz: “Mam’selle Caprice” by Baron
  30. Café seen: Repeat No. 5 “Y’A D’Jolies Femmes”
  31. A gentleman turns: “En Tapinois” by Mouton
  32. Why did you do that?: ‘Cause I’m in Love” by Donaldson
  33. Calendar seen again: “C’est Vous” by Greenberg
  34. Change of scene to two girls: “Amorous Adventure” by Bradford
  35. Lucille reads note: “Melodic Appassionato No. 1” by Marquardt
  36. Elizabeth answers telephone: “C’est Vous” by Greenberg
  37. Father seen dressing: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  38. Phonograph starts playing: Orchestra tacet – play phonograph record of “Doing the New Low Down” by Mills
  39. Phonograph stops playing: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
  40. Lucille sees Bobbie: Repeat No. 22 “Tell Me You Love ME”
  41. Lucille and Bobbie leave: Repeat No. 39 “That’s My Weakness Now”
  42. Telephone rings: “Second Love Tragedy” by Savino
  43. Dog barks: “Puppets” by Bierman
  44. Youth seeks the great: Repeat No. 36 “C’est Vous”
  45. Father seen: “Dramatic Agitato No. 38” by Minot
  46. Change of scene back to Elizabeth and Paul: Repeat No. 36 “C’est Vous”
  47. Elizabeth enters boudoir: “La Folie” by Franceschi
  48. Change of scene to automobile: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 18” by Marquardt
  49. Father arrives at Paul’s house: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 13” by Marquardt
  50. Elizabeth!: “Defiant Love” by Schad
  51. The greatest thing: “Rache-Vengeance” by Porret
  52. Fletcher takes his coat off: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
  53. Fletcher is thrown out of room: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
  54. Daughter seen in automobile: “Romance” by Frommel
  55. Youth departs: Repeat No. 32 “Cause I’m in Love”
  56. Hurry up or you’ll miss: “A Busy Thoroughfare” by Baron
  57. After crowd say good-bye to Quimby: “A Perfect Day” by Bond
  58. Frank, a dry martini: Repeat No. 39 “That’s My Weakness Now”

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 5q3YOz3sfh

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