
Title: Sunny

Author: Jerome Kern

Publisher: T.B. Harms Co., 1925


Format: Sheet Music

Document type: Musical Score

All authors/contributors: Jerome Kern, Arr. by Russell Bennett

OCLC Number:


  1. Wedding Scene, Finale Act I
  2. Sunny
  3. D’ye Love Me?
  4. At The Hunt Ball
  5. Who
  6. Two Little Bluebirds
  7. The Wedding Knell

Notes: For Piano, Selection

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: 1Pjx9nUm80

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Title: Rose-Marie

Author: Rudolf Friml and Herbert Stothart

Publisher: Harms Inc., 1924


Format: Sheet Music

Document type: Musical Score

All authors/contributors: Rudolf Friml and Herbert Stothart, Arr. by Russell Bennett

OCLC Number:


  1. Hard-Boiled Herman
  2. Rose-Marie
  3. Why Shouldn’t We?
  4. Scene In An Indian Camp
  5. The Mounties
  6. Totem Tom-Tom
  7. Indian Love Call
  8. Door Of My Dreams
  9. Empire Scene
  10. Fox-Trot

Notes: For Piano, Selection

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Ballade Moderne

Title: Ballade Moderne

Author:  Russell Bennett

Publisher: New York: Harms Inc., 1912


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Russell Bennett

OCLC Number:


Notes: for Clarinet 1, Bass, Trombone, Cello, Viola, Flute, Cornets 1 and 2, Violin 2, Violin 1, Organ Solo or Harmonium, Piano, Percussion; Color song advertisement for different piece folded over flute part.

Source: Chuck Berg Silent Film Music Collection

SFSMA ID: wrtoowuC74

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This digitization was supported by a University of Kansas School of Music General Research Fund.