The Angel of Broadway

Title: The Angel of Broadway

Author: Rudolph Berliner

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1927


Format: Cue sheet

Document type: Cue sheet

All authors/contributors: Rudolph Berliner

OCLC Number:


    1. At screening: “Lead, Kindly Light” by Dykes
    2. Jerry looks at girl beside him: “Largo” from New World Symphony by Dvorak
    3. People walking in street: “Budding Spring” by Platzmann
    4. Band starts playing: “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah” by Steffe (direct cue)
    5. Taxi seen at curb: “Red Pepper” by Lodge
    6. Jerry gets in motor truck: “Just a Girl That Men Forget” by Garren
    7. After Gertie enters house: “Broadway” by Dubin
    8. Babe puts bonnet on: “Miss Mischief” by Kempinski
    9. People at tables seen: “Gold and Silver” by Lehar
    10. Girls come running in: “Roll ‘Em Girls” by Heath
    11. Shimmy dancer seen: “Ukulele Lady” by Whiting
    12. Babe and man in dressing room: “A Lesson in Flirtation” by Roberts
    13. Each night found: “Come to the Fountain” by Stebbins
    14. I bin a drunk: “I’m a Pilgrim”
    15. Band starts playing: “Holy Ghost, With Light Divine” by Gottschalk (direct cue)

    Note: The lyrics “Follow Me” were written to fit this composition.

    1. Doughnuts: “Potatoe Bug Parade” by Cobb
    2. Jerry seizes man: “Furioso” by Savino
    3. Babe and Jerry sit down: “Melodie” by Tschaikowsky
    4. Babe and Jerry outside door: “Pierrette Flirts” by Fresco
    5. So salvation Sal: “Soubrette” by Silbert
    6. She starts singing: Repeat No. 15 “Holy Ghost, With Light Divine” (direct cue)
    7. Six salvation girls turn showing backs: Repeat No. 15 “Holy Ghost, With Light Divine”
    8. Jerry and Captain Mary seen: Repeat No. 18 “Melodie”
    9. Girls dancing in café: “Ain’t We Carrin’ On” by Frisch
    10. You can’t mock God: “The Omnipotence” by Schubert
    11. Girl dancing in café: Repeat No. 11 “Ukulele Lady”
    12. Babe in dressing room: “Desire” by Siewert
    13. Night after night: “In Love” by Friml
    14. Old woman seen outside: “Ashes of the Past” by Leroux
    15. Christmas week: “Christmas Bells” by Rapee
    16. Jerry sees Babe: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce
    17. Bertha and waiter in offer: “Whims” by Savino
    18. Babe looks into mirror after Lonnie leaves: Repeat No 25 “The Omnipotence”
    19. ½ After Babe leaves room: Repeat No. 8 “Miss Mischief”
    20. Babe starts singing: Repeat No. 15 “Holy Ghost, With Light Divine” (direct cue)
    21. Man joins Jerry outside café: “Lure of Crimson” by Marquardt
    22. Girl seen dancing: Repeat No. 15 “Holy Ghost, With Light Divine”
    23. Babe enters her room: “Disenchantment” by Bizet
    24. Babe knocks glass from Jerry’s hand: “Anger” by Casadesus
    25. Insert—Salvation Army ribbon: “Tragic Andante” by Savino
    26. Salvation Army girl appears in mirror: Repeat No. 25 “The Omnipotence”
    27. Babe leaves room: “Folly” by Franceschi
    28. Jerry seen in street: “Tragico, con moto” (Drigo’s Cinema Classics)
    29. Babe and man in motor: “Poursuite Dramatique” (Drigo’s Cinema Classics)
    30. Babe approaches dying girl’s bed: “Pathetique Symphony No. 6” by Tschaikowsky
    31. Jerry’s hand reaching for Gertie’s hand: Repeat No. 2 “Largo”

Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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