Title: Kid Boots
Author: James C. Bradford
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1926
Format: Cue sheet
Document type: Cue sheet
All authors/contributors: James C. Bradford
OCLC Number:
- At screening: KID THEME: Someone Loves You After All by Tierney
- Big Boyle: In the Clover by Thurban
- If I sell him a suit: Oh Mister by Frey
- Death’s too good for that chap: Aeroplane Galop by Lamothe
- Kid meets Clara: KID THEME: Someone Loves You After All by Tierney
- Flash-back to fight in shop: Military Galop by Barthman
- Carmen Mendoza: Valse Dramatic by Rapee
- Opens door—my pal: My Buddy by Donaldson
- We’ll get him yet: Thrills by Sanders
- Tom rushed: What’s the Use of Talking by Rodgers
- Pardon me, this is my daughter: TOM THEME: The Same Old Way by Tierney
- Lawyer’s office: Moto Perpetuo by Weiss
- That afternoon: Keep Your Eye on the Ball from “Kid Boots” by Tierney
- Eleanor appears: Why Don’t You Say So? by Tierney
- Kid at bath house: Sunshine by Little
- Let’s have a swim: Me and the Boy Friend by Monaco
- Before long: TOM THEME: The Same Old Way by Tierney
- The day before Thursday: Oh Lady Be Good by Gershwin
- And I got foolish: Someone Is Losin’ Susan by Meyer
- Only half of: Sittin’ Around by Sanders
- Kid powders hand: Polly Put the Kettle On by Tierney
- Kid walks toward Clara: I’m Walking Around in Circles by Phillips
- Eleanor and Tom: TOM THEME: The Same Old Way by Tierney
- Someone moved in next to you: Somebody by Little
- Would you mind coming to Caddy House: Bohemiana by Smith
- You’re late Mr. Hemingway: Happy Go Lucky by Kaufman
- For Kid boots: I’m Walking Around in Circles by Phillips
- Thursday morning: Looking for a Boy by Gershwin
- Clara sees Kid asleep: Military Galop by Barthman
- Belmore flying field: Derby Days by Axt
- The time of this court: Horses by Gay
SEGUE: Mounted Police Galop by Le Thiere
- Big boy falls over cliff: By Wireless by Berge
- Clara takes stand: Chatter Box by Silvers
- I’ve heard enough: KID THEME: Someone Loves You After All by Tierney
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