Title: Jacobs’ Piano Folio of One-Steps, No. 1
Author: Walter Jacobs, Inc.
Publisher: Boston: Walter Jacobs, Inc., 1918
Series: Modern movie music
Format: Sheet music
Document type: Musical score
All authors/contributors: George L. Cobb, A. J. Weidt; C. Fred’k Clark; Norman Leigh
OCLC Number: 42226912
Contents: 1. Peter Gink by George L. Cobb
2. Kiddie Land by A. J. Weidt
3. Some Shape by George L. Cobb
4. Wild Oats by George L. Cobb
5. Stepping the Scale by C. Fred’k Clark
6. Alhambra by George L. Cobb
7. Dixie Doin’s by Norman Leigh
8. Umpah! Umpah! by George L. Cobb
Notes: for piano
Source: Greg Breed
SFSMA ID: 99jajN5cC2
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