Title: The Air Circus
Author: Michael P. Krueger
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheets, 1928
Format: Cue sheet
Document type: Cue sheet
All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger
OCLC Number:
- At screening: “Through the Air” by Rothafel
- The world is in the air: “Gamboling” by Bierman
- A little town: “Step On It” by Kaufman
- Aeroplane crashes: “Zigzag” by Ferber
- Two boys get into auto: “Hustle Bustle” by Delille
- Ann Blake—a gold star: “Mother of Mine” by Jolson
- Pictures seen on wall: “Daughters of the Revolution” by Lampe (trio)
- You want me to be: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
- Picture of brother seen on wall: “Short Taps” – muted trumpet
SEGUE: “In Despair” by Berge
- Young man runs in with baggage: Repeat “Hustle Bustle”
- Mother comes into room: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
- Close-up of gold star: “Midsummer Night’s Serenade” by Albeniz
- Girl and boy seen: “Bye-Bye Pretty Baby” by Gardner
- Flash-back to mother and son: Repeat No. 12 “Midsummer Night’s Serenade”
- Son kisses mother good-bye: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
- Boys leave in automobile: “I may Be Gone for a Long Long Time”
- California, here they come: “California, Here I Come” by Jolson (direct cue)
Segue: “Razzle-Dazzle” by Lenzberg
- Sue—some of the best: “Sweet Sue—Just You” by Young
- Aviation field seen: “eagles of America” by Godfrey
- Young man picks up photograph: Use brass call of “Over There” – 4 bars muted – slowly
Segue: “My Buddy” by Donaldson
- Flash-back to aeroplane: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
- You’re just too late: “That’s a Lot of Bunk” by Henshaw
- I think I’ll name: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
- The glory of flying: “Aeronaut” by Jackson
- In learning to taxi: “Taxi” by Kaufman
- Propellor[sic] cuts up aeroplane: “In the Hall of the Mountain King” by Grieg
- Postman seen: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
- Change of scene to aviation field: Repeat No. 24 “Aeronaut”
- Sue comes over to young man: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
- All aeroplanes start off: ‘Air Thrills” by Sanders
- A boarding house: “Ten Little Miles From Town” by Kahn
- Boys see Sue: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
- Young man grabs Sue: “That’s My Weakness Now” by Green
- Aviation field seen: Repeat No. 24 “Aeronaut”
- Speed! You go up: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
- Aeroplane starts: “Motion” by Carbonara
- Change of scene to mother: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
- After Mother is seen second time: “Flying Hurry” by Carbonara
- Aeroplane crashes: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
- Fear of the air: Repeat No. 24 “aeronaut”
- I can’t go up, Speed: “The Crisis” by Pasternack
- Fight starts: “Help! Help!” by Kovacs
- Fighting boys see Jerry McSwiggin: “Funeral March of a Marionet” by Gounod
- McSwiggin walks away from boys: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
- Change to two instructors outside of house: “Despondency” by Williams
- Solo day: Repeat No. 12 “Through the Air”
- Speed gets out of aeroplane: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
- Speed looks up at aeroplane: Repeat No. 30 ‘Air Thrills”
- Hop up and do ti alone: “A Critical Moment” by Becce
- Buddy starts to fly the second time: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 9” by Marquardt
- Nose dive landing of aeroplane: “Solace” by Kay
- Change to jazz party: “Oh Baby Don’t We Get Along” by Henderson
- Change of scene to Buddy: “Darkness” by Brunelli
- Flash-back to party: “Don’ the New Low Down” by McHugh
- Speed comes out on porch: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
- Mother arrives: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
Note: When mother enters house—play jazz record on phonograph to cover sequence
- Mother, I’ve failed: “Dolores” by Kay
- Flash-back to party: “Imagination” by Harms
- Clipped wings: “The Aeroplane” by Ring-Hager
- Everybody seen running: “Mess Call”
- Graduation day: Repeat No. 19 “Eagles of America”
- Landing gear of aeroplane falls: “Galop Dramatique” by Baron
- Buddy gets into aeroplane: “In the Clouds” by Rapee-Axt
- After Speed lands in parachute: Repeat No. 18 “Sweet Sue”
- Close-up of Buddy in aeroplane flying: Repeat No. 6 “Mother of Mine”
Notes: Cues transcribed by James Doering; handwritten notes
Source: Carl Braun Collection
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