Title: The Golden Clown
Author: Dr. Edward Kilenyi
Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926
Format: Cue Sheet
Document type: Cue Sheet
All authors/contributors: Dr. Edward Kilenyi
OCLC Number:
- At Screening: “Pagliacci Selection” by Leoncavallo
- Under Leaden Skies: “La Mouche de Coche” by Mouton
- But Rough Roads: “Feu de Paille” by Cairanne
- Daisy Bunding: “Rambler Roses” by Wheeler
- Girl in Circus Ring: “Depechons Nous” by Krier
- She Finishes Riding Act: “March Carnavalesque” by Friml
- Band Starts to Play: SONG THEME “Mattinata” by Leoncavallo
- Clown Hits Man: “Burlesque on Chopin’s Funeral March” by Kempinski
- The With His: Repeat Song Theme No.7
- Applause: “Horse Radish” by Ring-Hager
- And So The Following: “Wh[damaged]s” by Savino
- Youth Forever: LOVE THEME “Your Love Is All” by Zamecnik
- Exterior—Man Knocking On Door: “Joy” by Zamecnik
- Paris, The Incomparable: “La Jolie Hotesse” by Mouton
- Joe Approaching Girl: Repeat Love Theme No.12
- Joe Leaves Girl: Repeat No.14 “La Jolie Hotesse”
- Maison Marcel: “Valse Modern” by Lodge
- A Week Later: “Beneath the Balcony” by Lacombe
- Meanwhile Enthusiastically: Repeat Song Theme No.7
- Marcel and Daisy at Table: “Alysia” by Frey
- Thus It Was: “Burlesco Pomposo” by Lowitz
- Oh Well, My Boy: “Memories” by Van Alstyne (Play “PP”)
- Man Brings Package: “Nice-Excentric” by Callemien
- Daisy and Joe in Other Room: Repeat Love Theme No.12
- Letter Insert: “Melancholic Appassionato” by Rapee
- She Brings Toy Dog To Him: Repeat Love Theme No.12
- Joe Had Reached: Repeat Song Theme No.7
- Father Takes Cigar: Repeat No.21 “Burlesco Pomposo”
- Phonograph Record Is Put On: “Mariette” by Steray
- Interior of Theater: “Ecstatic Allegro” by Sibelius
- Joe In Dressing Room: “Tenor Aria from ‘Pagliacci’” by Leaoncavallo (Play “PP”)
- Curtain Opens: “La Lyre Glorieuse” by Gabriel Marie
- Clown Band Starts To Play: “A Frangesa” by Costa
- And Again He: Repeat Song Theme No.7
- Curtain Closes: “Overture Champetre” by Snock
- Marcel and Daisy Together: “Extase” by Ganne
- Joe Sees Kissing Couple: “Agitated Appassionato” by Kilenyi-Frey
- Joe Starts To Smile: Repeat No.31 “Tenor Aria”
- Exterior—Street: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
- Joe’s First Thought: “Sobbing” by Baron
- Habits Are Harsh: Repeat No.31 “Tenor Aria” (Play “PP” and slow)
- Joe Opens Second Letter: Repeat Love Theme No.12
- Three Sorrowful Years: “Lamento” by Danty
- Close-Up of Hand with Baby Rattle: “Rock-a-bye Baby” by Luz
- Marcel with Girl Model: “Valse Celeste” by Wittstein
- Memories—Memories: Repeat No.22 “Memories”
- Joe About To Open Whiskey Bottle: “Une Larme” by Moussorgsky
- The Place de la Opera: “La Roman de Leandre” by Mouton
- Joe Sees Daisy: Repeat Love Theme No.12
- Then To See Oblivion: “Film Theme No.1” by Tschaikowsky
- Lillian Delorme Spent: “Sinistra” by Schultze
- Daisy Sees Marcel Kissing Girl: Repeat No.37 “Agitated Appassionato” (Play “PP”)
- In Her Desperation: “Prelude” by Mendoza
- Joe Faces Father: Repeat Love Theme No.12
- Darkness—Silence: “Facing Death” by Becce
- Seeking Forgetfulness: Repeat No.31 “Tenor Aria”
- Interior of Church: “Prayer” by Franck
- Dissipation and Folly: “Remorse” by Zamecnik
- Interior of Circus: “Out West” by Pinard
- Joe Recognizes Marcel: Repeat No.37 “Agitated Appassionato”
- Joe Enters Ring: “March of the Mannikens” by Onivas
- Joe Shoots Marcel—Marcel Collapses: Repeat No.37 “Agitated Appassionato”
- Letter Insert: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce
- Joe Sees Child In Bed: “Just A Bunch of Daisies” by Baron
Source: Carl Braun Collection
SFSMA ID: 3u9Hcm537m
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