
Title: Sunrise

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Sunrise and You” by Penn (Witmark and Sons)
  2. This Song of the Man: “The Shrine in the Wood” by Carr (E.B. Marks)
  3. Summer Time – Vacation Time: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad (G. Schirmer)
  4. Among the Vacationers: “Plaisanterie” by Butler (E.B. Marks)
  5. Lady Whistles: “Eroticon” by Mikuliez (E.B. Marks)
  6. Change of Scene to Oxen: “Axe Aprile” by Culotta (Cinemusic Set)
  7. Change of Scene Back to Gossips: “Heart Wounds” by Grieg (Carl Fischer)
  8. O’Brien Seen Walking Alone: “Haunted Nights” by Jacquet (Irving Berlin)
  9. Vampire Seen: “By the River” by Frommel (PhotoPlay Music Co.)
  10. Couple Embraces: “Appassionato Patetico” by Bradford (Belwin Inc)
  11. Couldn’t She Get Drowned?: “Facing Death” by Becce (Belwin Inc.)
  12. Leave All This Behind: “Faust Erivlities” by Black (Foster Mus Pub Co)
  13. Change of Scene to Fade-Out of Man and Woman Embracing: Repeat No. 11 “Facing Death”
  14. Change of Scene to Exterior of Home: Repeat No. 8 “Haunted Nights”
  15. Wife Seen at Husband’s Bedside: “Tristesse Pathetique” by Porret (E.B. Marks Music Co)
  16. Man Seated at Lunch Table: “Babillage” by Gillet (Carl Fischer)
  17. Jones Stops Walter on Street: “Diabolical Allegro” by Bergunker (G. Schirmer)
  18. His Friend and His Wife: “Intermezzo from ‘Atonement of Pan’” by Hadley (G. Schirmer)
  19. Eleanor Climbs Into Bed: “From the North” by Sibelius (G. Schirmer)
  20. Walter Embraces Eleanor: THEME “I Love You Truly” by Bond (Arnett Dolonnis)
  21. Walter at his Desk: “From the Soul” by Schad (Sanders Weiss)
  22. He Telephones Eleanor: “Joyous Spirits” by Savino (Robbins music corp)
  23. Flowers Appear Again: “Silent Night” by Rebikov (G. Schrimer)

[Might be different film]

  1. Pool of Liquor on Floor at Walter’s Feet: “Valse Celeste” by Wittstein (Robbins Music Corp)
  2. I’m Sorry He’s Spoiled Our Evening: Repeat No. 10 “Marche Mignonne”
  3. Why Not Let Sleepy Heads Lie: Repeat No. 11 “Underneath the Falling Leaves”
  4. Music Stops – Lights Extinguished: “Grand Dramatic Scene” by Leuschner (Heinrichthofen)
  5. So You’re the Great Lover: “Allegro Aggressivo” by Stahlberg (Carl Fischer)
  6. Honey, Please Forgive Me: Repeat Theme No. 19

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: YjQpf4cj8p

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Strong Boy

Title: Strong Boy

Author: Michael P. Kreuger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Kreuger

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: LOVE “What Are You Waiting For Mary?” by Donaldson (Leo Feist)
  2. Why Are People Always Leaving: “Rus Hours” by Sanders (G. Schrimer)
  3. Strong Boy—Baggage Smasher: MCLAGLEN THEME “Big Boy” by Ager (Ager, Yellen, and Bernstein)
  4. Get Busy Boys: COMEDY “The Jesters” by Carbonara (Robbins Music Co)
  5. Electric Baggage Car Passes: Repeat McLaglen Theme No. 3
  6. McLaglen Goes Over to News Stand: Repeat LOVE Theme No. 1
  7. Change of Scene to Exterior of Railroad Station: “Much Ado About Nothing” by Srawley (Sanders & Weiss)
  8. It’s A Good Job, Mac: “I’ve Been Working Oa the Railroad” by Egener (Sonnemann Co)
  9. William, Do You Mind: Repeat McLaglen Theme No. 3
  10. Trunks Fall on Child: “Excitement” by Briel (Sonnemann Co)
  11. McLaglen Walks Away: Repeat McLaglen Theme No. 3
  12. That Trunk Ain’t No Permanent Decoration: Repeat COMEDY Theme No. 4
  13. M. Daylight Saving Time: “Intermezzo Giocoso” by Egener (Irving Berline)
  14. McLaglen Seen At Door of Private Office: Repeat McLaglen Theme No. 3
  15. Railroad Vice-President Shakes McLaglen’s Hand: “I Want What I Want from ‘Mlle Modiste’” by Herbert (M. Witmark & Sons)
  16. McLaglen Leaves Private Office: Repeat McLaglen Theme No. 3
  17. Morning: “A Pleasant Argument” by Becce (Schlesinger)
  18. Electric Baggage Car Seen: Repeat COMEDY Theme No. 4
  19. Man Trips After Electric Baggage Car Passes Him: “Little Cutie” by Srawley (Sanders-Weiss)
  20. Gee Mary, Kids are Great: “Sleep Baby Sleep” by Tucker (M Witmark & Sons)
  21. McLaglen’s Assistant Seen With Monkey: Repeat COMEDY Theme No. 4
  22. Change of Scene to Men Playing Cards: “Conversational” by Noyes (Hawkes & Sons)
  23. Mary and Father Seen: “Mighty Lak’ A Rose” by Nevin (J. Church Co)
  24. Child Finishes Prayers: Repeat No. 20 “Sleep Baby Sleep”
  25. Three Men Seen in Bed: “Comrades from ‘Old Times’” by Lake (Carl Fischer)
  26. Change of Scene to Baggage Room: “Entr’act to a Comedy” by Axt (Robbins Music Co)
  27. I’m Sorry I was so Mean to You, Bill: Repeat LOVE Theme No. 1
  28. Mary Leaves Bill: “A Game of Tag” by Trinkaus (M. Witmark & Sons)
  29. Railroad Station Gate Seen: “Glad Rag Doll” by Ager (Ager, Yellen & Bernstein)
  30. Men Start Chasing Monkey: “Don’t Hold Everything” by Henderson (De Sylva, Brown, and Henderson)
  31. My Poils: Repeat No. 20 “Glad Rag Doll”
  32. He’s Done Me A Great Service: “A Happy Ending” by Becce (Schlesinger(Belwin))
  33. Bill and Mary Walk Out of Vice-President’s Office: Repeat LOVE Theme No. 1
  34. Two Assistants and Child Seen: “Collegiate” by Jaffe (Shapiro, Berstein & Co)
  35. Mary Reads Newspaper: “Ardmore March” by Floyd (Sam Fox)
  36. Queen Seen: “Princess Enchanting” by Hadler
  37. Railroad Engine Seen: Repeat No. 8 “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”
  38. Change of Scene Back to Queen: “Pomp and Ceremony” by Strawley (Sanders)
  39. Medal is Pinned on Man: “Bombasto” by Farrar (Carl Fischer)
  40. Mary Walks over the Hill: “Lover’s Quarrel” by Baron (Irving Berlin)
  41. Train Leaves: “Orchestra tacet—Drummer make train effects”
  42. Change of Scene of Train: “Hurry No. 2” by Simon (S.M. Berg)
  43. Men Held Up in Baggage Car: “Misterioso Eccitato” by Becce (Belwin)
  44. Engine Starts Off: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw (Feature Music Pub.)
  45. Better Hurry Back to the Queen: Repeat No. 43 “Hurry No. 2”
  46. Insert of Telegram: Repeat McLaglen Theme No. 3
  47. Mary Goes Over to Bill: “Fruhlingsliebe” by Pasternack (Irving Berlin)
  48. I’ve Been Silly About Those White Collars: Repeat LOVE Theme No. 1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Blood Will Tell

Title: Blood Will Tell

Author: Michael P. Kreuger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Kreuger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: “Boreas” by Trinkaus
  2. Close-up of alarm clock ringing: “Oh, How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning”
  3. Change of scene to automobile: “On Your Way” by MacClure
  4. Jones stops automobile: “Whispering Willows” by Herbert
  5. Sandy McCosh: “An Argument” by Breil
  6. Gosh, it’s good to see: “Sunset in the Valley” by Engelmann
  7. Insert of telegram: “Suspicious” by Baron
  8. Child runs away from calf: “Animal Cartoonix No.1” by Aborn
  9. Flash-back to Cowan and deputy: Repeat No. 7 “Suspicious”
  10. Remember, you don’t: “Tex” from Western Sketches by Stahlberg
  11. Golly, I’m glad: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  12. Cowan walks up to McCosh: “Sarcasm” by Kempinski
  13. That evening, Cowan: “Evening on the Ranch” from Western Sketches by Stahlberg
  14. Close-up of Jones and girl: THEME, “Side by Side” by Woods
  15. Take a walk, Mr. Cowan: “Ya Know How to Love” by Warren
  16. Blue-print—horses riding towards ranch: “Angosciosamente” by Gabriel Marie
  17. Next morning: “Kowboy Komedy” by Aborn
  18. Change of scene to Sally and Cowan: Repeat No. 16 “Angosciosamente”
  19. Change of scene to Jones and boy: Repeat No. 17 “Kowboy Komedy”
  20. Jones sees group of men near Sally’s door: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  21. Tell Miss Morgan: “Storm Clouds” from Western Sketches by Stahlberg
  22. Jones runs into house: “The Flight” by Savino
  23. Sally goes over to safe: Repeat No. 21 “Storm Clouds”
  24. Change of scene to exterior—gang chasing Jones: “The Posse” by Lucas
  25. Eagle, I got a hunch: “Agitato No. 30” by Lake
  26. Put Duke on th’ back: “Trmbling Agitato” by Kilenyi
  27. Jones leaves Sandy and kid: “Astir” by Berge
  28. Jones chases man with money in shirt: “The Rabble” by Herbert
  29. We left th’ stranger: “Agitato Misterioso” by Becce
  30. Mount double: “Flick and Flock” by Patou
  31. Jones is shot down: “Agitated Mysterioso” by Langey
  32. Jones jumps on top of Cowan: “Panicy Agitato” by Berge
  33. Jones’ horse leads the rescuing party: “Galloping Furies” by Rapee
  34. Now you know: Repeat Theme No. 14
  35. This is th’ life: “This Is the Life” by Berlin
  36. Kid pushes Sally to Jones: Repeat Theme No. 14

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Blindfold

Author: Michael P. Krueger

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael P. Krueger

OCLC Number:


  1. At screening: LOVE THEME, “Forever” by Ager
  2. A small flat: “Gaily Thro’ Life” by Schad
  3. Change of scene to policeman walking: KELLY THEME, “There’s a Typical Tipperary” by Silver
  4. Policeman enters house: “Gaiety” by Savino
  5. Close-up of magazine story—“Velvet Fingers”: Repeat Love Theme No. 1
  6. Change of scene to exterior—jewelry store: “The Hold-Up” by Reuther
  7. Pistol shot: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  8. I saw their faces: “Fuga” by Gabriel Marie
  9. Mary sees ice-cream box: “Dramatic Tension” by Axt
  10. O’Brien enters home: “In Despair” by Berge
  11. A week of relentless: “Salvo” by Gariel Marie
  12. That’s the man—right there!: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 13” by Marquardt
  13. After case is dismissed: “Dilemma” by Savino
  14. Change of scene to Benard’s Music Store: “Serenade” by Drigo
  15. Violinist stops playing: “Gay Deceivers” by Claypoole
  16. The insurance company: “Marche Mysterieuse” by Schad
  17. You wait here, Mary: “Anxiete” by Srawley
  18. O’Brien enters music store: “Ondes Mysterieuses” by Franceschi
  19. Fight begins: “Commotion” by Minot
  20. Mary approaches Kelly on floor: “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  21. Where am I?: “Turbulence” by Borch
  22. Man calls for police: “Minor Hurry” by Berge
  23. Automobile drives up: “Mystic Andante” by Sibelius
  24. Telephone rings: “A Mysterious Fable” by Juon
  25. Doctor takes gun out: “Darkness” by Brunelli
  26. You’ll find a model: “The Conspirators” by Roder
  27. Insert of newspaper: “Mystery” by Baynes
  28. Kelly seen in police headquarters: “Mood Pensive” by Applefield
  29. Change of scene back to apartment: Repeat No. 27 “Mystery”
  30. Change of scene to Gaunt Jewelry Store: “Fleeting Shadows” by Weiss
  31. Change of scene to Kelly in restaurant: “Requitted Love” by Rollinson
  32. Kelly gets into taxi: “Symphonic Incidentals No. 18” by Marquardt
  33. It was easy: “A Contrapuntal Misterioso” by Schad
  34. Kelly and janitor seen: “Jingles” by Zamecnik
  35. Change of scene back to Mary in apartment: “Tense Misterioso” by Berge
  36. Who are you—and what: “Afflizione” by Gabriel Marie
  37. Chauffeur enters: silence
  38. Mary screams: Repeat No. 20 “Dramatic Finale”
  39. Mary’s mind clears—she recognizes Kelly: Repeat Love Theme No. 1
  40. Mary and Kelly sneak out of door: “Stealthy Escape” by Zamecnik
  41. Mary enters room where jewelers are: “Tensive Misterioso” by Peele
  42. Bandit holds up jewelers: “Astir” by Berge
  43. Kelly holds up gang: “Stormy Moments” by Bierman
  44. Doctor seen: “Stalking the Prey” by Kempinski
  45. Mary returns to room after answering phone: “Turmoil” by Brunelli
  46. Doctor holds up Kelly: “Mystery Hurry” by Berge
  47. Kelly starts to fight: “Tumult” by Verdi
  48. Police enter: “Joyful Hurry No. 1” by Baron
  49. You’ll come back to duty: Repeat Love Theme No. 1

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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