Motion Picture Moods

Title: Motion Picture Moods

Author: Erno Rapee

Publisher: G. Schirmer, New York, 1924


Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Erno Rapee

OCLC Number: 422771

Contents: Table of Contents

Aeroplane: Rondo Capriccioso/Mendelssohn—Scherzo/Mendelssohn

Band: The German Patrol/Eilenberg, Op. 78

Battle: Agitato No. 3/Langey—Presto Agitato (3rd movement Moonlight Sonata)/Beethoven, Op. 27, No. 2—Allegro di Molto e con Brio (1st movement from Sonata Op. 13/Beethoven

Birds: Birds/Wright, Op. 36, No. 3—Papillion (butterfly)/Grieg, Op. 43, No. 1—Vöglein (Birdling)/Grieg, Op. 43, No. 4

Chatter: Presto (last movement from Sonata Op. 10, No. 2)/Beethoven—Song without Words (Tarantella)/Mendelssohn, Op. 102, No. 3

Children: Dickory, Dickory, Dock (Song)—Ding Dong Bell (Song)—Hey Diddle Diddle (Song)—Humpty Dumpty (Song)—Jack and Jill (Song)—Mary Had a Little Lamb (Song)—Children’s Dance/Noble


Gavottes: Mignon/Thomas—The Fair Flatterer/Eilenberg, Op. 25

Mazurkas: La Czinka/Ganne—Mazurka/Dutton, Op. 11, No. 2

Minuets: Minuet (from Sonata Op. 49, No. 2)/Beethoven—Minuet/Boccerini

Polkas: Wildfeuer/Strauss, Op. 313—Auf freiem Fusse/Strauss, Op. 345

Valses: Tales of the Vienna Wood/Strauss—Les Sirenes/Waldteufel

Valses Lentes: Monte Cristo/Kotlar—April Smilt/Depret, Op. 11—Ballroom Whispers (Ballgeflüster)/Gregh, Op. 66

Tangos: Dengozo (Brazilian)/Nazareth—Y…Como le va? (Argentine)/Valverde

Marches: Exhibition March/Fahrbach, Jr., Op. 263—Standard-Bearer March/Fahrbach, Jr., Op. 192—Attach by the Uhlans/Bohm, Op. 213—Friedrichs-Marscho/Gungl, Op. 145—With the Military/Schrammel—Rheinland Regiment March/Kral

Doll: The Golden Wedding (La Cinquantaine)/Gabriel-Marie—Poupée Vasante/Poldini

Festival: Marche Heroque/Schubert—Coronation March/Meyerbeer—March and Procession of Bacchus (from the Ballet Sylvia)/Delibes

Fire-Fighting: Hurry No. 2/Langey—Agitato No. 2/Andino—Furioso No. 3/Langey—Card Trio (from the opera Carmen)/Bizet—From the Ballet-Suite Sallambo/Arends

Funeral: Marche Funebre (from Sonata Op. 35)/Chopin—Andante Pathetique No. 1 /Schumann—Funeral March (Song without Words)/Mendelssohn, Op. 62, No. 3

Grotesque: Misterioso No. 1/Langey—Tanz ais Jolster/Grieg, Op. 17, No. 5

Gruesome: Misterioso Infernale/Borch—Misterioso No. 2/Minot—Andante Molto sostenuto (from Phedre overture)/Massanet

Horror: Abduction of the Bride (2nd Peer Gynt Suite)/Grieg, Op 55

Humorous: Humoresque/Tchaikowsky, Op. 10, No. 2—Curious Story (Kuriose Geschicte)/Heller—Humoresque/Grieg, Op. 6, No. 3—Stabbe-Laaten (Humorous Dance)/Grief, Op. 17, No. 18—Le Coucou/Arensky. Op. 54, No. 2

Hunting: Jagdleid (Hunting Song)/Schumann, Op. 82—Jagd-Fanfare (Hunter’s Call)/Reinhold, Op. 39—Jagerleidchen (Hunting-Song)/Schumann—The Hunter’s Horn/Schmoll

Impatience: Impatience (Song without Words)/Gregh—Untiring Search/Stiehl, Op. 64, No. 4—Song without Words (Homeless)/Mendelssohn, Op. 102, No. 1

Joyfulness or Happiness: Happy Wanderer/Jensen—A la Polka/Fibich, Op. 41, No. 10

Love-Themes: The Old Mother/Dvorak—Romance/Willians, Op. 88—Valse/Brahms—Poem/Fibich—Cavatina/Raff—Love-Song/ Friml, Op. 85 bis, No. 3—Melody/Rubenstein, Op. 3, No. 1—Chant d’Amour (Love-Song)/Paderewski, Op. 10, No. 2

Lullabies: Berceuse/Iljinsky, Op. 13—Lullaby/Wright Op. 30—Berceuse/Grieg, Op. 38, No. 1—Serenade/Sokolowski, Op. 4, No. 3

Misterioso: Zug der Zwerge (March of the Dwarfs)/Grieg, Op. 54, No. 3—Allegro misterioso notturno/Borch—Agitato Misterioso/Langey—The Erl-Kind (Le Roi des Aulnes)/Schubert

Monotony: Prelude/Chopin—Badnlat (Cradle-Song)/Grieg, Op. 66, No. 15

Music-Box: Music-Box/Friml, Op. 69—Une Tabatière à Musique (Valse-Badinage)/Liadow, Op. 32—Klokkeklang (Ringing Bells)/Grieg, Op. 54, No. 6


United States of America: Star-Spangled Banner (National Hymn)/Smith—America (My country, tis of thee)/Carey—Hail Columbia—The Red, White, and Blue—Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean—The Battle-Cry of Freedom/Root—Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (Song)—Yankee Doodle (Song)

Bugle Calls: Reveille/Tomlinson—Taos/Tomlinson—Adjutant’s Call/Tomlinson—The General’s March/Tomlinson—Assembly March/Tomlinson—To the Colors/Tomlinson

Southern: Southewestern Idyl/Berge—Dixie-Land (Southern Air)/Emmet00My Old Kentucky Home (Folk-song)/Foster—Old Folks at Home (Swanee River)/Foster—Plantation Melody/Foster

College: College Songs March/Shepard—Alma Mater—Fair Harvard—Gaudeamus—Upidee-We won’t go home til morning

Sea Songs: Nancy Lee (song)/Adams—Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep (Song)/Knight

Christmas Songs: Jingle Bells—Hark! The Herald Angels Sing/Mendelssohn—Adeste Fideles/Reading—Holy Night/Gruber

Old Ballads: Sally in out Alley/Carey—Home, Sweet Home/Bishop—Love’s Old, Sweet Song/Molloy—Robin Adait—Alice, Where Art Thou?/Ascher—Listen to the Mocking-Bird/Hawthorne—When you and I were young, Maggie/Butterfield

Argentine Republic: Old, Mortales, el grito sagrado

Australia: There is a land where Summer skies

Austria: O du mein Österreich

Bohemia: Bohemia

Belgium: La Branançonne

Brazil: National Hymn

Bulgaria: National Hymn

Canada: The Maple-Leaf for ever—Vive la Canadienne

Chili [sic]: Dulce Patria

China: National Hymn

United States of Columbia [sic]: National Hymn

Costa Rica: De la Patria

Cuba: La Bayamesa—Danzas Nos. I-II (from Six Cuban Dances)/Cervantes

China and Japan: Kimgayo (Japanese National Hymn)—Chinese-Japanese/Langey—In a Chinese tea-room/Langey, Op. 158, No. 2—Chinese Lullaby (East is West) (Song)/Bowers—Fuji-Ko (Japanese Intermezzo)/Shelley

Denmark: National Hymn

England: God, Save the King/ Carey—Rule, Britannia—Drink to me only with thine eyes (Song)

France: La Marseillaise—Partant pour la Syrie—Chant du Départ—Mourir pour la Patrie

Germany: De Wacht am Rhein—Stimmt an mit hellem, honen Klang

Greece: National Hymn

Hawaii: Hawaii Pouoi—Oloha, oe

Holland: Mijn Neêrlandsch Bloed

Honduras: Dios salve a Honduras

Hungary: National Song—Rakoczy March

Gipsy: Slavic Dance

Indian (West): Indian Agitato/Langey—Indian War-Dance/Berge—Indian War-Dance/Borch—Sun-Dance/Strickland–Dance of the Young Maidens/Strickland

Irish: Garry Own—College Hornpipe—Fischer’s Hornpipe—Killarney—The Wearing o’ the Green—Saint Patrick’s Day

Italy: Fanfare e Marcia Reale—Garibaldi Hymn—Mari, Mari (Maria, ah Marie!) (Song)/Di Capua—O Sole Mio!/Di Capua—Venetian Boat-Song/Mendelssohn, Op. 30, No. 6—Barcarolle (from Tales of Hoffman)/Offenbach—Tarentelle/Lack, Op. 20

Mexico: La Golandrina

Norwegian and Swedish: Sönner af Norge—Walzer/Grief, Op. 12, No. 2—Nowergisch (Norwegian Melody)/Grief, Op. 12, No. 6—Swedish Wedding March (Idyle aus der Hochzeit zu Wulfsberg)/Söderman, Op. 12

Poland: Poland’s not yet dead in slavery—Krakowiak (Polonaise)/Mlynarski, Op. 5, No. 1

Portugal: Marcia

Roumania: Traesca Regele

Russia: The Hymn of Free Russia (Gimn svobodnoi Rossii) (Song)/Gretchaninoff—Cossak Lament/Jiranek—Russian Dance/Friml, Op. 83, No. 4

Scotland: Auld Lang Syne—The Campbells are Coming—The Bluebells of Scotland—Annie Laurie—Scots, Wha hae wi’ Wallace bled—Comin’ through the Rye

Spain: Himmo de Riego—Spanish Dance No. 1/Moszkowski—Spanish Dance No. 2/Moszkowski—Juanita (Song)—Estudiantina (Valses)/Waldteufel

Uruguay: National Hymn

Venezuela: Gloria al bravo Pueblo

Wales: Men of Harlech

Neutral: Radiance/Sellars—the Lotus Lake/Dutton—Albumblatt (Album-leaf)/Grieg. Op. 12, No. 7—Arabesque/Wrangell, Op. 1, No. 3—Moment Musical NO. 1/Schubert, Op. 94—Moment Musical No. 3/Schubert, Op. 94—Chant sans Paroles/Friml, Op. 49

Orgies: L’Arlesienne Suite, 4th movement/Bizet—L’Atomne et l’Hiver (Autumn and Winter)/Glazounoff

Oriental: Among the Arabs/Langel, Op. 158, No. 1—Morris Dance/Noble—Vers L’Oasis (In Sight of the Oasis)/Baron—Arab Dance/Grieg—L’Arlesienne Suite, 1st movement/Bizet

Parties: Vanity (Caprice)/Jackson—Idilio/Lack, Op. 134—Scarf Dance (Scene de Ballet)/Chaminade—Souvenir/Drdla—Pizzicatti (from the Ballet Sylvia)/Delibes—Serenade Badine/Gabriel-Marie—Ladies’ Faces, Ribbons and Laces (Old-Time Gavotte0/Moszkowski, Op. 15, NO. 1—Spring Song (Song without Words0/Mendelssohn, Op. 62, No. 1—Chant sans Paroles (Song without Words)/Tchaikowsky—Salut d’Amour (Love’s Greeting)/Elgar, Op. 12

Pastorale: Morgenstimmung (Morning Melody)/Grief, Op. 62, No. 6—Le Carillon (4th movement L’Arlesienne Suite)/Bizet—Pastorale (1st movement l’Arlesienne Suite No. 2)/Bizet

Passion: Valzer Appassionato/Dutton—Song without Words (Lost Happiness)/Mendelssohn, Op. 38, No. 2—Song without Words (Homeless)/Mendelssohn, Op. 102, No. 2—An den Frühling (To Spring)/Grieg, Op. 43, No. 6

Pulsating: Repose (Song without Words)/Gregh, Op. 53

Quietude and Purity: Adagio (3rd movement l’Arlesienne Suite)/Bizet—Le Soir (Eventide)/Schytte, OP. 12, No. 3—Song without Words (Faith)/Mendelssohn, Op. 102, No. 6—Träumerei/Schumann, Op. 15, No. 7—Serenade/Olsen

Race: Allegro No. 1/Minot—Galop (Leichtes Blut)/Strauss, Op. 319/–Galop (Die Bajadere)/Strauss, Op. 351—Galop (cascaden)/Hermann, Op. 24

Railroad: The Mill/Jensen—Spinning-Song (from The Flying Dutchman)/Wagner

Religioso: Largo/Handel—The Old Hundredth (Song)/Bougeois—Onward, Christian Soldiers (Song)/Sullivan—Lead, Kindly Light

Sadness: Romance/Frommel—Sonata quasi una Fantasia (1st movement)/Beethoven, Op. 27, No. 2—Prelude/Chopin, Op. 28, No. 4—Prelude/Chopin, Op. 28, No. 20—Elegie/Grieg, Op. 46, No. 2—Berceuse/Jarnfelt—Ase’s Death/Grieg, Op. 46, No. 2—Romance/Tchaikovsky, Op. 40, No. 2—Album-Leaf/Birkedal-Barfod, Op. 7—Andante Patetico e Doloroso/Borch—Pathetic Andante No. 1/Langey—Herzwunden (Heart-sores)/Grieg, Op. 34, No. 1—Melodie (Elegie)/Massanet, Op. 10

Sea and Storm: In der Lakke des Bergkonigs (In the Hall of the Mountain-King)/Grief/ Op. 46, No. 4—Stormy Evening on the Coast (Peer Gynt’s Homecoming)/Grieg

Sinister: Coriolan Overture/Beethoven

Western: Western Allegro/Falck—Western Allegro/Riesenfeld—Western Scene/Berge

Wedding: Hochzeit-Marsch (Wedding March)/Mendelssohn– Hochzeit-Marsch (Wedding March from Lohengrin)/Wagner—O promise me/de Koven

Notes: for piano



Download: Motion Picture Moods front matter

Motion Picture Moods 2-53

Motion Picture Moods 54-116

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Motion Picture Moods 373-412

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Motion Picture Moods 474-500

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Motion Picture Moods 550-581

Motion Picture Moods 582-611

Motion Picture Moods 612-650

Motion Picture Moods 651-674

Motion Picture Moods indices 675-678

Audio: “Lullaby“/Wright

Audio recordings for this item were supported by the Society for American Music‘s 2016 Sight and Sound Award and are performed by Ethan Uslan.