Ukelele Sheiks

Title: Trimmed in Gold

Author: Ukelele Sheiks

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Ukulele Lady” by Whiting
  2. The Lovesick Boy: “Freshie” by Greer
  3. When I Sang This One: “Remember” by Berlin
  4. Boy Picks Up the Telephone: “Got No Time” by Kahn
  5. Boy Grabs Maid: “Huntakin” by Levy
  6. About To Be Married: “I’m Sitting on Top of the World” by Henderson
  7. I’ll Marathon You: “Bonsoir on Etient” by Benoit
  8. Boy Drags Girl Through Hotel Lobby: “Paddlin’ Madelin’ Home” by Woods
  9. You’re a Dear Sweet Little Boy: “Sweet Child” by Whiting
  10. Boy Looks at Leffingwell’s Photograph: ” The Hobbledehoy” by Olsen
  11. Boy Drops from Fire-Escape: “A Joy Ride” by Biersmann
  12. Just Married: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  13. Change of Scene: “COmedy Capers” by Steele
  14. You Take Care Of: “Four in Hand” by Labbe
  15. Boy Enters State-Room: “She Ain’t What She Used to Be” by Greer
  16. Leffingwell Enters Bride’s State-Room: “Infernal Galop” by Michiels
  17. It’s Leffingwell: “My Hero” by Strauss
  18. Following Title: “Here’s My Husband”: “Show Me the Way to Go Home” by King

Source: Ben Model


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Trimmed in Gold

Title: Trimmed in Gold

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “The Hustler” by Strawley
  2. Barber Shop Scene: “Barber of Seville” by Rossini
  3. Nina Hart: “Let’s Wander Away” by Owens
  4. Five Seconds Later: “Westward Ho” By Riesenfeld
  5. That Night They Left: “Sachem” by Rosey
  6. Why Don’t You Read: “Dagger Dance” by Herbert
  7. Taxi Stuck in Mud: “In a Hurry” by Friml
  8. Cafe Scene: “Western Scene” by Berge
  9. Angora Cats: “Dance of the Honey Bees” by Richmond
  10. Cafe Scene: “Spangles” by Bratton
  11. Man Enters Vault with Bag: “The Busy Bee” by Bendix
  12. Fight Starts: “On the Mill Dam”  by Babb

Source: Ben Model

SFSMA ID: g68lK10dxz

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Spanking Breezes

Title: Spanking Breezes

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Jollity” by Zamecnik
  2. Explosion: “Tchama” by Haines
  3. Yacht Leaves: “The Darkies Shuffle” by Rollinson
  4. They Start Fishing: “Mindin’ My Business” by Donaldson
  5. Man Fights Fish: “Mermaid Honeymoon” by Zamecnik
  6. Argument Starts: “Keep Going” by Kleinecke
  7. They Sit at Dinner: “No One Knows What It’s All ABout” by Woods
  8. They Are All Seasick: Repeat No 3 “Darkies Shuffle” by Rollinson
  9. That Night: “Lazy” by Berlin
  10. Peace Nothing: “Ouch” by Kaufman
  11. Come Children: “Jollity” by Zamecnik

Source: Ben Model

SFSMA ID: TENnmzdmci

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Scared Stiff

Title: Scared Stiff

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Marriage Blues” by Berkin
  2. Night: “Play Ball” by Kaufman
  3. Strange Tales: “Alluring COquetry” by Baron
  4. Kajanka is Loose: March of the Spooks” by Baron
    1. Segue: “Ghost Dance” by Salisbury
  5. Man Throws Girl Out of Window: “Puck” by Grieg
    1. Segue: “Spooks” by Cobb
    2. Segue: “The Ghost Walk” by Cobb
  6. Man in Cage with Kajanka: Repeat No 4 “March of the Spooks” by Baron
  7. Exterior: “Don’t Mind the Rain” by Miller

Source: Ben Model


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Hot Cakes for Two

Title: Hot Cakes for Two

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Merriment” by Kempinski
  2. Gus Starts Alice: “That’s a Lot of Bunk” by Henshaw
  3. I’m Putting the Finishing: “The Butterfly” by Geehi
  4. Alice Took a Job: “”That’s a Lot of Bunk” by Henshaw
  5. Look, a Real Movie Hero: “Rollicking Friars” by Klein
  6. I’m a Royal Porter: “Mirth and Merriment” by Delille
  7. Second Girl Dives Into Water: “I Can’t Stop Babying You” by Kahn
  8. Late Afternoon: “Sweet Peas” by Orpin
  9. The Sheriff Was: “Johnny on the Spot” by Roberts
  10. Marriage Ceremony: “The Only Girl” by Russell

Source: Ben Model


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Hayfoot Strawfoot

Title: Hayfoot Strawfoot

Author: Edward Kilenvi

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Edward Kilenvi

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Tea for Two” by Youmans
  2. Pete and Percy: “Gallagher and Shean” by Terry
    1. Segue: “Bohemlana” by Smith
  3. Man is Knocking: [Illegible] by Ketelby
  4. Six Weeks in a Citizen’s Training Camp: “Parade of the Wooden Soldiers” by Jessel
  5. Noah Fish Might Have Been: “Melodie Caprice” by Squire
  6. Soldiers in Group Drilling: “Picadore March” by Sousa
  7. Inser–$500 Reward: “PIxie Pranks” by Loud
  8. Soldiers in Group Drilling: “March of the Mannikins” by Onivas
  9. Keep Your Hat On: “Where Did You Get That Gat” by Sullivan
  10. Comic Fairies Dancing on the Green: “I’ll See You in My Dreams” by Jones
  11. Back in Hospital Room: “The Harlequin” by Roberts

Source: Ben Model

SFSMA ID: z3taLUp5nl

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The Gosh-Darn Mortgage

Title: The Gosh-Darn Mortgage

Author: Eugene Conte

Publisher: Thematic Music Cue Sheet, 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Eugene Conte

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening
  2. A Stranger from the City: “Isn’t She the Sweetest Thing” by Donaldson
  3. Amos Spruder: “The Hustler” by Strawley
  4. Squirrel Goes Up Girl’s Boot: “Ouch” by Kaufman
  5. It Was Afternoon: “Splivin’s Corners” by Ellis
  6. Villain Shows Mortgage: “Herts and Flowers” by Tobani
  7. That Night: “Danse Macabre” by St. Saens
  8. Negro Boys Playing: “The Skyrocket” by Frey
  9. Tessie’s Wedding: “The Flapper Wife” by Rupp
  10. Bride and Father Come Downstairs: “Wedding March” by Mendelssohn
  11. Ford Car Leaves: “Speed” by Frey
  12. Married: “Are You Sorry” by Ager

Source: Ben Model


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40P – Storm Music

Title: No. 40, P. – Storm Music (Storms on land or sea, Earthquakes, Eruptions, Tornadoes, Typhoons)

Author: Otto Langey

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1918

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Otto Langey

OCLC Number:


Notes: “40P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “40” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “40” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), violoncello, clarinet 1 in A (“A” circled in black marker), cornet 1 & 2 in A (“A” circled in black marker), trombone, drums/timpani B-F#, bass, piccolo, viola, violin 2, harmonium (ad lib., 2-page spread)

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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8P – Misterioso No. 3

Title: No. 8, P – Misterioso No. 3 (Extreme tension, anxiety, fear, impending disaster, etc.)

Author: J. E. Andino

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1915

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: J. E. Andino

OCLC Number:


Notes: “8P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “8” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “8” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), clarinet 1 in Bb, cornet 1 & 2 in Bb, trombone, drums/traps, violoncello, harmonium (ad lib.), viola, violin 2, bass, flute

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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45P – Dramatic allegro

Title: No. 45, P – Dramatic allegro (Extreme tension followed by riot, terrific storm, or volcanic eruption)

Author: Domenico Savino

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1923

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Domenico Savino

OCLC Number:


Notes: “45P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “45” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “45” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), trumpet 1 & 2 in Bb, timpani in G-D/cymbals, violoncello, bass, violin 2, viola

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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44P – Rustic allegro

Title: No. 44, P – Rustic allegro (Carefree and happy; woodland scenes)

Author: Domenico Savino

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1923

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Domenico Savino

OCLC Number:


Notes: “44P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “44” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “44” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2; checkmark written in pencil at rehearsal section 3 starting the Andantino section on page 3), violin 1 (checkmark written in pencil at rehearsal section 3 starting the Andantino section), clarinet 1 in Bb (checkmark written in pencil at rehearsal section 3 starting the Andantino section), trumpet 1 & 2 in Bb (checkmark written in pencil at rehearsal section 3 starting the Andantino section), trombone (checkmark written in pencil at rehearsal section 3 starting the Andantino section), drums (checkmark written in pencil at rehearsal section 3 starting the Andantino section), violoncello, flute, bass, violin 2, viola

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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1P – Hurry No. 1

Title: No. 1, P – Hurry No. 1 (For general use)

Author: Otto Langey

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1915

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Otto Langey

OCLC Number:


Notes: “1P” faintly written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “1” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “1” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2),violin 1, cornet 1 & 2 in Bb, trombone, drums/etc., violoncello, harmonium (ad lib., 2-page spread), viola, violin 2, bass, flute

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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9P – Agitato No. 2

Title: No. 9, P – Agitato No. 2 (Heated argument, or intense situation, leading to a fight or riot, etc.)

Author: J.E. Andino

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1915

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: J.E. Andino

OCLC Number:


Notes: “9P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “9” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “9” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), violin 1, clarinet 1 in Bb, cornet 1 & 2 in Bb, trombone, drums/etc., violoncello, flute, viola, violin 2, bass, harmonium

Source: Don Metzger Collection

SFSMA ID: q9bv50V2VD

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7P – Allegro No. 1

Title: No. 7, P – Allegro No. 1 (A joyful crowd, pursuit, races, etc.)

Author: Adolf Minot

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1915

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Adolf Minot

OCLC Number:


Notes: “7P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “7” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “7” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), cornet 1 & 2 in Bb (2-page spread), trombone, drums/etc., violoncello, piccolo, viola, violin 2, bass, harmonium (ad lib.)

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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3P – Agitato No. 1

Title: No. 3, P – Agitato No. 1 (Depicting Excitement, Anxiety, Fear)

Author: Otto Langey

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1915

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Otto Langey

OCLC Number:


Notes: “3-P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “3” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “3” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), violin 1 (2-page spread), clarinet 1 in Bb, cornet 1 & 2 (2-page spread), trombone, drums/etc., violoncello, viola, violin 2, bass, flute, harmonium (ad lib., 2-page spread)

Source: Don Metzger Collection

SFSMA ID: G6jNj91bP3

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34P – Tragic andante

Title: No. 43, P – Tragic andante (Shipwreck, destruction, terror)

Author: Domenico Savino

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1923

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Domenico Savino

OCLC Number:


Notes: “43P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “43” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “43” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), violin 1 (2-page spread; faint pencil markings underneath ‘Fl., Ob.’ cue on bar 1 of page 3), trumpet 1 & 2 in Bb (2-page spread), trombone, timpani C-F & drums, violoncello, flute, bass, violin 2, viola

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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18P – Dramatic Allegro No. 1, 13P – Andante Pathetique No. 1

Title: 18P – Dramatic Allegro No. 1 (Anguish, despair, etc.), 13P – Andante Pathetique No. 1 (Prison scene, intense or dramatic situations, deep emotion)

Author: Otto Langey (18P), R. Schumann (13P)

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1915

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: 18P – Otto Langey; 13P – R. Schumann, Otto Langey (arr.)

OCLC Number:


Notes: “18P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “18” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number “18P” preceding both titles in bracket;

13P – for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “13” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), clarinet 1 in Bb, cornet 1 & 2 in Bb, trombone, timpani in C-G, violoncello (also includes part for 18P on same page), harmonium (ad lib., included on same side of 2-page spread with 18P), flute (shares same page with respective part for 18P), bass (shares same page with respective part for 18P), viola (shares same page with respective part for 18P), violin 2 (shares same page with respective part for 18P)

18P – for violoncello (shares same page with respective part for 13P), harmonium (ad lib., 2-page spread w/ respective part for 13P on same side), flute (shares same page with respective part for 13P), bass (shares same page with respective part for 13P), viola (shares same page with respective part for 13P), violin 2 (shares same page with respective part for 13P)

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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20P – Hurry No. 4

Title: No. 20, P – Hurry No. 4 (Battle Scenes)

Author: Adolf Minot

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1916

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Adolf Minot

OCLC Number:


Notes: “20P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “20” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “20” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), clarinet 1 in Bb, cornet 1 & 2 in Bb, trombone, drums/traps, violoncello, harmonium (ad lib.), piccolo, bass, viola, violin 2; blank divider page between viola & violin 2 parts, “351” written in black marker w/ single strikethrough on top right & bottom left corners of front end

Source: Don Metzger Collection

SFSMA ID: 5nxzYevM10

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6P – Misterioso No. 2

Title: No 6, P – Misterioso No. 2 (For dark scenes, burglaries, shadowing, tracking a fugitive or victim, etc.)

Author: Adolf Minot

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer, Inc. 1915

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Adolf Minot

OCLC Number:


Notes: “6P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “6” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “6” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), flute, violoncello, timpani in D-A/cymbals, trombone, cornet 1 & 2 in Bb, clarinet 1 in Bb (handwritten note at bottom right corner just under measure before D.C.), viola, violin 2, bass, harmonium (ad lib.)

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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25P – Western Allegro

Title: No 25, P – Western Allegro (For joyful scenes, racing, stampedes, crowds, etc.)

Author: Edward Falck

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1918

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Edward Falck

OCLC Number:


Notes: “25P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “25” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “25” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), violin 1, clarinet 1 in Bb, trombone, drums/triangle/tambourine, violoncello, harmonium (ad lib., 2-page spread), bass, flute, viola, violin 2

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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24P – Dramatic Allegro

Title: No. 24, P – Dramatic Allegro (For dramatic, ominous situations; struggles, fights, storms, etc.)

Author: Edward Falck

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1918

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Edward Falck

OCLC Number:


Notes: “24P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “24” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “25” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), violin 1, clarinet 1 in Bb, cornet 1 & 2 in Bb, trombone, timpani in D-A/drums, violoncello, harmonium (ad lib.), bass, flute, viola, violin 2

Source: Don Metzger Collection

SFSMA ID: ueNacmDeyZ

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32P – Southwestern Idyl

Title: No. 32, P – Southestern Idyl (country life, love-scenes, also Mexican)

Author: Irénée Bergé

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1918

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Irénée Bergé

OCLC Number:


Notes: “32P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “32” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; imprint of missing label on left center page; for violin 1, piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “32” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), violoncello, clarinet 1 in Bb, cornet 1 & 2 in Bb (2-page spread), trombone, timpani in C-G/triangle/bass drum, bass, flute, viola, violin 2, harmonium (ad lib., 2-page spread)

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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42P – Conspiracy

Title: No. 42, P – Conspiracy (Undercurrent, plotters meeting, uprising, treason)

Author: Domenico Savino

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1923

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Domenico Savino

OCLC Number:


Notes: “42P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “42” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “42” written in black marker on top right corner of page 1), violin 1 (2-page spread), clarinet 1 in Bb (2-page spread), trumpet 1 & 2 in Bb (2-page spread), trombone, drums, violoncello, flute, violin 2 (2-page spread), viola (2-page spread)

Source: Don Metzger

SFSMA ID: 4qMOVemwnp

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35P – Misterioso Infernale

Title: No. 35, P – Misterioso Infernale (For uncanny situations)

Author: Gaston Borch

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1918

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Gaston Borch

OCLC Number:


Notes: “35P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “35” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; for piano accompaniment (2-page spread), violin 1, clarinet 1 in Bb, cornet 1 & 2 in Bb, trombone, timpani in C-G, violoncello, bass, flute, viola, violin 2, harmonium (ad lib., 2-page spread)

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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50P – Processional

Title: No. 50, P – Processional (Approach of royalty, coronations, triumphant return, etc.)

Author: Domenico Savino

Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer Inc., 1923

Series: Schirmer’s Photoplay Series

Format: Sheet music

Document type: Musical score

All authors/contributors: Domenico Savino

OCLC Number:


Notes: “50P” written in black marker at top left corner of cover page, “50” written in black marker at top right & bottom left corners; label placed on center left of cover page, including series number, title, and author; piano accompaniment (2-page spread, “50” written in black marker on top right corner of page 2), violin 1 (2-page spread), clarinet 1 in Bb (2-page spread), trumpet 1 & 2 in Bb (2-page spread), trombone, drums, violoncello, flute (2-page spread), bass, violin 2 (2-page spread), viola

Source: Don Metzger Collection


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