Women They Talk About

Title: Women They Talk About

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-free suggestions listed first; taxable suggestions listed second

  1. At screening of Title: “Caprecietta” by Varley; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  2. Mary Mervin Hughes: “Merry Playmates” by Howgill; “Love Lesson” by Fresco
  3. That Sounded Like John: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Rage” by Axt
  4. I’ll Call Up: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Song of Songs” by Moya THEME No.1
  5. Old Man At Phone: “Abusive Tongues” by Hoffman; “Terreur” by baron THEME No.2
  6. Let Him Cool His Heels: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Sourbrette” by Silbert
  7. How Dare You Permit: “Carpice” by Somerville; “Graciousness” by Smith
  8. You Foamed At The Mouth; “Critical Moment” by Becce; “Loacoon” by Leuchner
  9. Father And Daughter Leave: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; ‘Threatening Elements” by Schad
  10. Driver Brought Into House: THEME No.1
  11. Radio Jazz Scene: “Fox Trot” Jenkins Publication; Remick Publication
  12. Well, Young Lady; THEME No.2
  13. Dot Received Strict Orders: THEME No.1
  14. Trains Block Auto Traffice: “Elfentanz” by Lhar; “Valse Caprice” by Kiefert
  15. Harrison Rgues With Son: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce; “Appasionato Lirico” by Berge
  16. Get Me Police Headquarters: “Waltz” Jenkins Publication; Fiest Publication
  17. My Paper Had A Tip; THEME No.1
  18. Your Grandfather Will Probably: “La Floie” by Francheschi; “Furioso No.11” by Kiefert
  19. Newspaper Close-up: “Afterglow” by Clutsam; “Constance” by Golden
  20. It’s True. I’m Going To Marry: “Freischutz” by Weber; “Prelude Dramatic” by Srawley
  21. She Decided To Run For Mayor: “Smiles” by Somerville; “D’Arlequine” by Bohm
  22. That Woman Is Going To Lick Us: “Alone” by Francheschi; “Memories” by Blossom
  23. I’m Speaking For Your Mother: “Vengeance” by Francheschi; “Appassionato No.3” by Axt
  24. Girl Locked In Room; “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “The Rabble” by Hervert
  25. That Winds Up: “The Vow” by Francheschi; ‘Elopement” by Carrozini
  26. Girl Appears On Stairs: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce; “Dram. Appas.” By Ciganeri
  27. And To Think I Once Loved You: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta; “Defiant Love” by Schad
  28. Son Fights With Villian: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Furioso” by Shepherd
  29. Hospital Scene: “June Charmant” by Godin; “Chertiza” by Breau
  30. Shadows of Lovers Kissing: THEME No.2
  31. I Withdraw From The Race: Repeat June Charmant; Repeat Cheritza
  32. But I Still Say: THEME No.2
  33. Harrison With Tub In Mouth: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: mvdl5neM7z

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The Terror

Title: The Terror

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “June Charmant” by Godin; “Cheritza” by Breau
  2. Old Man Enters: “Enigma” by Borch; “Tense. Myst.” By Berge THEME No.1
  3. The Warden’s Office: “Afterglow” by Clutsam; “Constance” by Golden
  4. Olga Redmayne: “Critical Moment” by Becce; “Laocoon” by Leuchner THEME No.2
  5. Father, I Saw It Again: THEME No.1
  6. Organ Scene: Improvise
  7. Elvery: “Dreams of Yesterday” by Humphries; “Demande D’Amour” by Drigo
  8. Now, Alfred, Be Careful: “Merry Playmates” by Howgill; “Love Lessons” by Fresco
  9. A Toad Is An Ill Omen: THEME No.1
  10. Doctor, Don’t You Think: “Alone” by Francheschi; “Memories” by Blossom
  11. You Will All Be Seated: “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Gloomy Forest” by Axt THEME No.3
  12. Cotton—Quick—The Lights: THEME No.2
  13. Man Enters: “Caprecietta” by Varley; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  14. All Right, I’ll Leave: THEME No.1
  15. I’m Mrs. Ajax: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  16. Fireplace Scene: “Wings of Love” by Fuzy; “Sparklets” by Miles
  17. Ajax Reads Note (Organ Plays): Improvise
  18. Midnight: THEME No.3
  19. I’m Looking For The Man: “Mona” by McLean; “Looms of Fate” by St. Saens
  20. Don’t Worry, I Wouldn’t: THEME No.2
  21. The Black Figure, It Went: THEME No.3
  22. Girl and Party Walk Out of Room: “You and I” by Lotter; “Rosebud” by Sanford
  23. Place Your Hands Upon The Table: THEME No.3
  24. Old Woman Falls From Chair: THEME No.2
  25. This Reminds Me: THEME No.3
  26. Fight In the Dark: “La Floie” by Francheschi; “Disaster” by Savino
  27. This Blighter Has No Manners: “The Vow” by Francheschi; “Elopement” by Carrozzini
  28. Goodman Is Asleep: THEME No.3
  29. Organ Fade In: Improvise
  30. Five Knocks On Door: “Pleading” by Wood; “Silent Sorrows” by Borch
  31. I Want To Look: THEME No.3
  32. He Blows Lights Out: “Trapped” by Rosey; “Mysterioso” by Andino
  33. Girl Screams: THEME No.2
  34. There Must Be A Secret: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Rage” by Axt
  35. Black Figure Get Hot Branding Iron: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Hurricaine” by Egener
  36. That’s The End of Leonard O’Shea: “Sweet Memories” by Singorski; “Places of Dreams” by Gross
  37. Look, I Have A Surprise: THEME No.2
  38. There’s That Horrible Organ Again: Improvise
  39. I Am Sorry To Say: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “So This Is Love” by Goetz

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Title: Tenderloin

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Infernale” by Meyerbeer
  2. Ziegfeld Girls Dancing: “Fox Trot” J. Morris Publication; Feist Publication
  3. Motorcycle Cops: Repeat Flick and Flock; Repeat Infernale
  4. TENDERLOIN Where: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Withered Flowers” by Kiefert
  5. Rose Shannon: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Tenderness” by Schad THEME
  6. Say Kid, Keep Away: “Agony of Soul” by Becce; “Dramatic Andante” by Herbert
  7. Girls With High Hats: “Song and Dance” Root Publication; Berlin Publication
  8. Hallway & Shadows On Wall: THEME
  9. What’s The Matter Kid: “Catastrophe” by patou; “Distress” by Breil
  10. Day and Night Bank: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman; “Plotters” by Carrabotta
  11. Burglar Alarm Rings: “La Floie” by Francheschi; “Furioso No.II” by Kierfert
  12. Sleep Tight Dear: “Idle Dreams” by Finck; “Berceuse” by Jarnfeldt
  13. Vice-Squard, Dear: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  14. What Happened: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Rage” by Axt
  15. You Saps, Take Pity: “Ondes Mystereuse” by Francheschi; “Gloomy Forest” by Axt
  16. Newspaper Close-Up: “Enigma” by Borch; “Valse Mysterious” by Belwin
  17. Don’t Be Afraid: THEME
  18. The Dicks, Trailed Them: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman; “Mysterioso” by Smith
  19. She Comes Down Steps (dressed); “Maggiolotta” by Culotta; “Despair” by Berge
  20. Let This Little Book: THEME
  21. This Jane’s Got A Face: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “Norma” by Luz
  22. She Feeds Cows and Chickens: “Chorus of This is the Life
  23. In Row Boat: THEME
  24. Fade-Out of Bench Scene: Mystical ¾
  25. Did You Take That Money: “Vengeance” by Francheschi; “Appassionato” by Rapee
  26. Close-Up of Table: “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Gruesome Tales” by Axt
  27. She Doesn’t Know Anything: “Tumult” by Verdi; “The Rabble” by Herbert
  28. Rose Gets Out of Bed: “Freischutz” by Weber; “Prelude” by Halevy
  29. I Can’t Stand Anymore: “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “Defiant Love” by Schad
  30. The Only Thing He Loves: THEME
  31. They Struggle: “L’Abime” by Francheschi; “The Hurricaine” by Egener
  32. Gang At Railroad Station: “Creeping Spooks” by Hoffman; “Conspirators” by Santos
  33. You Kep Outa Chuck’s Way: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “Coonela” by Fredericks
  34. See If You Can Duck This: “The Storm” by Beethoven; “Les Preludes” by Liszt
  35. Rose In Hospital: “Solitudine” by Mulae; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  36. Everybody Who Worked: “Plotting” by Rosey; “Creepy Creeps” by Bordh
  37. I Came To See Chuck: THEME
  38. I’m All Washed Up: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman; “Appassionato No.2” by Axt
  39. Police Enter By Force: “Avenging Storm” by Hoffman; “Disaster” by Savino
  40. I Double-Crossed Them: “Cuore En Pina” by Gracchino; “Recitative & Soliloquy” by Savino
  41. I’ll Wait For You: THEME
  42. My Life Will Just Commence: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Taxi, Taxi

Title: Taxi, Taxi

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1926


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Titles: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln; “Graciousness” by Smith
  2. Boss Picks Up Cap: “Agony” by Kempinski; “Fourteen Fathoms” by Lake
  3. Whitby Enters Boss’s Office: “The Meeting” by Jebe; “Dram. Tension 67” by Shepherd
  4. How Soon Can You Leave: “Wings of Love” by Fuzy; “Whims of Love” by Baron
  5. Man Opens and Shuts Door: “Dovce Recontre” by Gabriel Marie; “Serenata” by Moskowsky
  6. Train Scene: “The Jewel” by Archer; “Witchery” by Moore
  7. How Dare You: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw; “Rage” by Axt
  8. Whitby and Girl Walk Away: “Knick-Knacks” by Shebek; “Yolande” by Augrey
  9. Whitby Pulls Shade Down: “Dream of Love” by Liszt-Rosey; “So This Is Love” by Goetz THEME
  10. That Will Be All: “Comedy Capers” by Steele; “Sparklets” by Miles
  11. Grant I Want You: “Chrysalis” by Heed; “Moon Dreams” by Roberts
  12. Sweeney’s (electric sign): “The Skaters Waltz” by Waldteufel
  13. Jazz Band Starts: “Her Beaus” by Meyer; “Somebody’s Lonely” by Davis
  14. Whitby Under Table: “Plotting” by Rosey; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  15. Are You Getting Same Kick: “I Love Her” by Gensler; “Good Night” by Small
  16. Lovers In Taxi Drive Away: “Tumult” by Verdi; “Allegro Infernal” by Baron
  17. I’d Give Anything: “Sakuntala” by Rosey; “Moonlight Memories” by Rose
  18. I Just Sold The Taxi: “Trembling Anxiety” by Hoffman; “Thrills” by Sanders
  19. When That Fellow Whitby: “Breath of Morn” by Kempinski; “Cassandra” by Johnson
  20. Peters Mind Was Made: “The Wanderer” by Schubert; “Erl King” by Schubert
  21. Uncle Is Going To send: THEME
  22. White Hand On Taxi: “In The Depths” by Herkan; “Appassionato No.55” by Borch
  23. Taxi Stops at Chapel: THEME; “Agitato No.1” by Hough
  24. Cop Disturbs Ceremony: “Excitement” by Breil; THEME
  25. Will You Finish Marrying: Wedding March 2/4 tempo
  26. They Stop Running: THEME

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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State Street Sadie

Title: State Street Sadie

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening: “Vengeance” by Francheschi; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  2. Ralph Blake Just Arrived: “Ondes Mystereuse” by Francheschi; “Opium Den” by Aborn
  3. Ralph Sees Brother Suicide: “Pathetic Story’ by Borch; “Sorrow” by Roberts
  4. “Slinky” One Of The: “Pleading” by Wood; “In Despair” by Berge
  5. The Cops, They’ve Spotted: “Storm & Strife” by Somerville; “Disaster” by Savino
  6. Girl Sees Ralph Enter Window: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman; “Dramatic Tension” by Andino
  7. COMMERICAL TOY COMPANY: “Afterglow” by Clutsam; “Constance” by Golden
  8. Police Bldg. (Headquarters): “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  9. (Newspaper) POLICEMAN KILLED: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Chante Erotique” by Berge
  10. You Killed My Father: “Catastrophe” by Patou; “Plaint Passione” by Baron
  11. The Man Who Killed: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta; “Prowling Schemers” by Carrabotta
  12. Dreamland Social Club: “Fox Trot” Jenkins Publication; Feist Publication
  13. Slinky Talks To Patterson: “Ravage” by Hoffman; “Appasionato Lirico” by Berge
  14. Patterson Gives Card To Girl: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman; “Gloomy Forest” by Axt
  15. Girl & Patterson Leave Table: “Fox Trot” J. Morris Publication; Remick Publication
  16. End of Dance: “Grave Humor” by Becce; “Defiant Love” by Schad
  17. What’s The Matter, Jealous: Repeat Morris Pub.; Repeat Remick Fox Trot
  18. Three O’Clock In The Morning: “June Charmant” by Godin; “Cheritza” by Breau
  19. Singers (Intoxicated) Sing “You Made Me What I Am To-Day”: Chorus
  20. Singers Go Away: “Abusive Tongues” by Hoffman; “Terreur” by Baron
  21. Girl Shows Bullets In Hand: “Freischutz” by Weber; “Prelude Dramatic” by Srawley
  22. At Five Minutes To: “The Vow” by Francheschi; “Fourteen Fathoms” by Lake
  23. Gangers Sitting In Room: “Solitudine” by Mulae; “By Gones” by Rapee
  24. Writing on Note “IF YOU CAN READ”: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce; “Appassionato No.2” by Rapee
  25. Blake Folds Note: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce; “Drama. Appasionato” by Ciganeri
  26. And In Five Minutes: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  27. Well Write What I Tell You: “Beware” by Rosey; “Phantom Visions” by Stevenson
  28. This Is Isabel: “Flick & Flock” by Fletcher; “Furioso” by Shepherd
  29. Lock Yourself In and Hide: “Critical Moment” by Becce; “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  30. Shooting Starts: “La Floie” by Francheschi; “The Storm” by Beethoven
  31. Patterson Dead, On Sidewalk: “You and I” by Lotter; “Memories” by Butler
  32. Auto Rides Away From Cop: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Slightly Used

Title: Slightly Used

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “So This Is Love” by Goetz
  2. An Indefinite Responsibility: “Sweet Memories” by Singorski; “Constance” by Golden
  3. I’ve Had A Marvelous Evening: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  4. You’ll Never Get A Fellow: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta; “Plainte Passionee” by Baron
  5. Cynthia Lost Little Time: “In Flowerland” by Gold; “Cheritza” by Breau
  6. Telegram Boy At Door: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini; “Affizione” by G. Mari
  7. Taxi Drives Away: “Distress” by Breil; “Laocoon” by Leuchner
  8. Newspaper Close-Up: “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  9. Content With the Success: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “Norma” by Luz
  10. Boys in Auto Arrive: “Smiles” by Somerville; “Merriment” by Kempinski
  11. I Came To Meet: THEME “Love Triumphant” by Joels; “Tenderness” by Schad
  12. NICARAGUA: “Trapped” by Rosey; “Enigma” by Savino
  13. Gee, here’s A Raving Beauty: “Huetamo” by Ancliffe; “Redzi” by Caludi
  14. Cyntia & Don On Settee: THEME
  15. Don Leaves Cynthia: “In The Marsh” by Culotta; “Cupid’s Frolic” by Miles
  16. Major In Bed: “Funeral Burlesque Music”
  17. Comrades Leave Room: “Beware” by Bizet; “Grusome Tales” by Axt
  18. Do You Remember What You Did: THEME
  19. Major Enters House: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman; “Crafty Spy” by Borch
  20. It is A Pleasure: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Desolation” by Conterno
  21. Thank Heaven We’re Rid: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln; “Dew Drops” by Rapee
  22. And So You See: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Desperation” by Schad
  23. Now We Can Finish: “Spectral Images” by Hoffman; “Prowling Schemers” by Carrabotta
  24. Your Father Had Asked Me: “Mona” by Mac Lean; “Rosebud” by Sanford
  25. After A Restless Night: “Uneasiness” by Sonnemann; “Mysterioso 66” by Smith
  26. Don Arrives In Auto: “Plotting” by Rosey; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  27. Don’t Be Silly: “Pleading” by Wood; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  28. I’m Leaving Early: “You and I” by Lotter; “Memories” by Blossom
  29. Major Runs Upstairs: “Critical Moments” by Becce; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  30. Major Kisses Cynthia: Repeat You and I; Repeat Memories
  31. Come With Me To The Ministers: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: JzJ2upmL6o

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Simple Sis

Title: Simple Sis

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Titles: “Loves Eyes” by Zamecnik; “So This is Love” by Goetz
  2. Oscar The Foreman: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Whims of Love” by Baron
  3. Jerry O’Grady: “Merriment” by Kempinski; “Gaiety” by Savino
  4. Wagon Drives Away: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Song of Songs” by Moya THEME
  5. “Buddy Brown” Lived Upstairs: “Sweet Lavendar” by Wheeler; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindergreen
  6. (Sign) I.O.O.F. HALL: “Fox Trot” Jos. Morris Publication; Feist Publication
  7. Magic Tricks of Cards, etc.: “Kissing Serenade” by Micheli; “Debutante” by Axt
  8. Jerry Come and Dance: “Fox Trot” Waterson, Snyder Publication; Feist Publication
  9. Magician & Girl Sitting On Sofa: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln; “Frolics and Fancies” by Adams
  10. Sailor Falls To Floor: THEME
  11. Jerry Had Ambitions: “The Burlesquer” by Hartz; “The Masquarade” by Paul
  12. Little Boy Comes In: “Traumerei” by Schumann; “Elegie” by Massanet
  13. Waiting For Eight O’Clock: “Conzonetta” by Hollander; “Amaranthus” by Golden
  14. Eight o’Clock In The Park; “Andante” by Hoffman; “Tragic Scene” by Berge
  15. She Leaves Little Boy Asleep: “Bridal Paths” by Langford; “Babillage” by Castillo
  16. The Care of “Buddy”: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “Little Coquette” by Reisner
  17. Sis Comes Home: “The Meeting” by Jebe; “By Gone Days” by Pintel
  18. Boys Have Argument: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw; “Restless Bows” by Strawley
  19. Sis Stops Fight: THEME
  20. (Door Sign) “Juvenile Court: “Solitundine” by Mulae; “Thoughts of Yore” by Frey
  21. Child Finishes Prayer: THEME
  22. Auto Arrives: “Abusive Tongues” by Hoffman; “Appasionato 55” by Borch
  23. Fire Starts: “L’Abime” by Francheschi; “Fire Music” by lake
  24. Sis Saves Buddy and Falls Unconscious: “Road To Sorrow” by Kempinski; “Dramatic Tension No.9” by Andino
  25. She Regains Her Senses: “Stormy Conflict” by Damaur; “Bientot Libre” by Gabriel Marie
  26. Juvenile Court (door sign): “The Vow” by Francheschi; “Desolation” by Conterno
  27. Shadow Scene: THEME
  28. Jerry and Sis Run From Rain: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Silver Slave

Title: The Silver Slave

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “Blossoms” by Butler
  2. My Big Chance: “Afterglow” by Clutsam; “Rosebud” by Sanford
  3. Bernice’s Fortune Dwindled: “Zelma” by Haines; “Norma” by Luz
  4. It Is Difficult: “En Visite” by McDonald; “Gaiety” by Savino
  5. Orchestra Starts Waltz: “Balmoral” by Lotter; “Frangrance Lane” by Fresco
  6. You Are Beautiful: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Demande D’Amour” by Drigo
  7. I’ve Been Looking: THEME “Dream of Love” by Rosey-Liszt
  8. Janet Gets Up To Dance: “Golden Youth” by Rosey; “Valse Caprice” by Kiefert
  9. Your Mother Tells Me: “Sweet Memories” by Singorski; “Constance” by Golden
  10. Everbody’s Talking About: “Vengeance” by Franchesci; “Appassionato No.2” by Axt
  11. Love Is The Only: “Mona” by Mac Lean; “Memories” by Blossom
  12. I’m Not A Baby: “Cuore en Pine” by Grachino; “Appassionato No.3” by Axt
  13. Larry and Janet: THEME
  14. Phil Appears In Auto: “You and I” by Lotter; “Plainte Passione” by Baron
  15. We’re Having A Little: “Smiles” by Somerville; “Merriment” by Kempinski
  16. You Are Very Powerful: “Love Triumphant” by Joels; “Tenderness” by Schad
  17. Tom Battled: “Pleading” by Wood; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  18. My Car Is Waiting: “Cherry Ripe” by Cusans; “Cheritza” by Breau
  19. Janet Lights Phil’s Cigarette: “In Flowerland” by Graham; “Thelma” by Stahl
  20. Let’s Dance, Phil: “Fox Trot” Waterson Publication; Feist Publication
  21. The Key Was Lost Long Ago: “L’Amour Valsant” by Kirk; “Cassandra” by Johnson
  22. Phil & Janet Return To Table: “Rosemary” by Wheeler; “Heart Throbs” by Arnold
  23. Violinist Stands Up: “Celtic Waltz” by O’Donnell; “Sleeping Rose” by Borch
  24. Janet’s Mother & Phil In Auto: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  25. I Didn’t Come Here: “Distress” by Breil; “Desperation” by Schad
  26. Janet Runs Away: “Dramatic Scene” by May; “Appassionato Dram.” By Berge
  27. Just What Is Your: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman; “Appassionato No.55” by Borch
  28. Janet Packs Her Things: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce; “Rage” by Axt
  29. You Little Fool: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Desolation” by Conterno
  30. Larry Sees Janet: THEME
  31. Wait, You Must Be Firm: Repeat Solemn Thoughts
  32. They’re Crying So They Must Be Happy: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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A Sailor’s Sweetheart

Title: A Sailor’s Sweetheart

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “En Visite” by McDonald; “Graciousness” by Smith
  2. So You Only Take: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  3. We Won’t Sail For An Hour: “Village Holiday” by Gillet; “Fleurette” by Axt
  4. Couple Enter Cabin: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Vision D’Amour” by Friml
  5. A Mere Trifle: “Ivano” by Amadei; “In Flowerland” by Golden
  6. She Writes Letter: “Love Triumphant” by Joels; “Love’s Enchantment” by Varley
  7. He Returns With Wrong Letter: “Plotting” by Rosey; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  8. She Read It: “Distress” by Breil; “Rage” by Axt
  9. You Married Me: “L’Abime” by Francheschi; “Disaster” by Savino
  10. Rescued In Row Boat: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman; “Phantom Visions” by Stevenson
  11. Grabbed As They land Ashore: “Critical Moment” by Becce; “Merciless Pursuit” by baron
  12. Midnight and Still: “Enigma” by Borch; “Conspirators” by Santos
  13. So You Decided Not To Go: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  14. Parrott Scene: “Frolics and Youth” by Hoffman; “Coonela” by Fredericks
  15. Old Man At Door: “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Creepy Creeps” by Borch
  16. Tell Him You’ve Gone: “Caprice” by Somerville; “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  17. He Whistles (Oh What A Pal Was Mary): Song Chorus
  18. If I Had The Wings Of An Angel (Prisoners’ Song): Song Chorus
  19. You Know What Will Happen: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Ru Than” by Malette
  20. The Harbor Hospital: “The Plotters” by Carrozzini; “Mysterioso” by Minot
  21. He Goes Thru Window: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln; “The Get Away” by Frey
  22. Miljan (lunatic) on Bicycle; “Green Vipers” by Hoffman; “Slimey Vipers” by Borch
  23. You Must Stay Around: “Appasionato” by Carrabotta; “Plainte Pasionee” by Baron
  24. I Remember You: “Excitement” by Breil; “The Rabble” by Herbert
  25. He’s Crazy Again: “Vivienne” by Finck; “Mamselle Caprice” by Baron
  26. He’s In There Dying: “Catastrophie” by Patou; “Laocoon” by Leuchner
  27. Don’t Worry Miss Botts: “Dream of Love” by Rosey-Liszt; “Amour Decu” by Borch
  28. Statue Scene With Hair: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID:  Ga0bNO1dd6

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Sailor Izzy Murphy

Title: Sailor Izzy Murphy

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Musical Suggestions are listed first; Taxable Musical Suggestions are listed second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “Blossoms” by Butler
  2. When A Lovely Girl’s: “En Visite” by McDonald; “Gaiety” by Savino
  3. You’re Not A Perfume: “Disturbance” by Hoffman; “Thrills” by Sanders
  4. Partners Drive Away: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman; “Prowling Schemers” by Carabotta
  5. The Only Way For Us: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  6. Girls Around Goldberg: THEME “Dream of Love” by Rosey-Liszt
  7. Hooray, Just As I Thought: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  8. So The New Captain: “Enigma” by Borch; “Myst. Tension” by Kempinski
  9. Send Captain Matthews: “Appasionato” by Carrabotta; “Dramatic Suspense” by Winkler
  10. Partners Board Ship: “Plotting” by Rosey; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  11. You’re Not Goin: “Afterglow” by Clutsam; “Rosebud” by Sandford
  12. I’m A Prisoner Here: “Frolics and Youth” by Hoffman; “Fleurette” by Axt
  13. It’s Wonderful: THEME
  14. The Captain Wants you: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln; “Ru Than” by Malette
  15. When I Think Of What: “The Catastrophe” by Patou; “Laocoon” by Leuschner
  16. When The Moon Crosses: “Flick and Flock: “Patou; “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  17. Let Me Out: “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Phantom Visions” by Stevenson
  18. I’m Only Teasing Him: “Distress” by Breil; “Rage” by Axt
  19. I Wish We Could Have: “Village Holiday” by Gillet; “Frolics and Fancies” by Adams
  20. Miss Jules Is Keeping: THEME
  21. Izzy Writes Note: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Dramatic Conflict” by Levy
  22. Lunatics Chase Father, etc.: “Tumult” by Verdi; “Sign of Cain” by Leuschner
  23. Stand Asside: “The Hurricane” by Egener; “Infernale” by Meyerbeer
  24. I’m A Sick Man: “Day of Doom” by Joels; “Lamentation” by Bortkiewicz
  25. Izzy and Girl in Boiler Room: “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “The Rabble” by Herbert
  26. The Shock Has Restored: “Kiddy” by Latann; “Graciousness” by Smith
  27. Girl Throws Life Saver: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: GCkI3xr9hl

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Rinty of the Desert

Title: Rinty of the Desert

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Suggestions listed first; Taxable Suggestions second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Zelma” by Haines; “Valse Melodie” by Drigo
  2. Pop Marlow Had Traded: “Sad Thoughts” by Patou; “Berceuse” by Jarnfeldt
  3. The Great Desert: “Magic Grandeur” by Hoffman; “Pomposo” by Egener
  4. From A Previous Experience: “Beware” by Bizet; “Enigma” by Savino
  5. Patrick Casey: “Golden Youth” by Rosey; “Charmeuse” by Baron
  6. I Got The Stuff: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce; “Distress” by Breil
  7. That’s My Dog Rinty: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “Amour Decu” by Borch THEME
  8. Joe Mason: “Ondes Mystereuse” by Francheschi; “Opium Den” by Aborn
  9. Rinty These Are Your: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “The Clown” by Peele
  10. Rinty With Bottle: “Tumult” by Verdi; “Disaster” by Savino
  11. Girl in Nightgown: THEME
  12. Rinty Misses His Mate: “Andante” by Hoffman; “Traumerei” by Schumann
  13. Museum Exterior: “Carpice” by Somerville; “Graciousness” by Smith
  14. Sorry Pop: “Turbulent Tensions” by Hoffman; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  15. Mason Hang Out: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman; “Plotting Foe” by Kilenyi
  16. Clock Close-Up: “Day of Doom” by Joels; “Lamentation” by Bortkiewicz
  17. Fortget Him: “Trembling Anxiety” by Hoffman; “Thrills” by Sanders
  18. Dog Attacks Pat: “Catastrophe” by Patou; “Infernale” by Meyerbeer
  19. Cop Whistles: “Vengeance” by Francheschi; “Rage” by Axt
  20. Take Him To The Hospital: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Threatening Elements” by [Damaged]
  21. Rinty You’ll Have To Find: “Destruction” by Hoffman; “Rain” by Luz
  22. I’m Sorry Mary: “Last Good Bye” by Moretti; “Tenderness” by Schad
  23. Father and Daughter: “Maggilotta” by Culotta; “Despair” by Berge
  24. Rinty’s Faith: THEME
  25. Lovers Kiss: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: DbgsHgdV8q

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A Reno Divorce

Title: A Reno Divorce

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Suggestions listed first; Taxable Suggestions second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Mona” by MacLean; “Rosebud” by Sanford
  2. In The Heart: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Desolation” by Conterno
  3. You’re A Bigger Fool: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta; “Plainte Passionee” by Baron
  4. Newspaper Close-Up: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  5. Auto Knocks Him Down: THEME “Love Triumphant” by Joels; “Tenderness” by Schad
  6. Letter Close-Up: “Mandolinata” by Paladilhe; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  7. You Haven’t A Chance Now: THEME
  8. He Paints Dog Picture: “Beware” by Rosey; “Prowling Schemers” by Carrabotta
  9. He Picks Up Mirror: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln; “Merriment” by Kempinski
  10. Can You Paint Me: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “Cheritza” by Breau
  11. Erin Decided: THEME
  12. The Final Night: “Frolics and Youth” by Hoffman; “Fleurette” by Axt
  13. The Game Is Closed: “Dramatic Scene” by May; “Love Tragedy” by Savino
  14. Eric Shows Carla Electric Button: “You and I” by Lotter; “Memories” by Blossom
  15. You Certainly Aren’t: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “So This Is Love” by Goetz
  16. What Do You Mean: THEME
  17. Man Attacks Carla: “Destruction” by Hoffman; ‘Thrills” by Sanders
  18. Get Out. Back To Your Gutter: “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “Desperation” by Schad
  19. In The Weeks That Followed: “Smiles” by Somerville; “Redzi” by Caludi
  20. Dog Painting On Wall: “Pleading” by Wood; “Non E Ver” by Mattei
  21. Auto Arrives: “Sweet Lavendar” by Wheeler; “Soubrette” by Silbert
  22. The Boat Sails In 5 Minutes: “Dramatic Appeal” by Jores; “In Despair” by BEge
  23. Carla Sees David: THEME
  24. David Lifts Up Carla: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Redeeming Sin

Title: The Redeeming Sin

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Descriptive Filmusic Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening of Title: “Joie de Vivre” by Foulds
  2. La Petit (little boy on table): “Scherzino” by Bombio
  3. Come and Watch Us: “La Princesse” by Bombio
  4. Fleurette—the Little Flower: “Catastrophe” by Patou THEME No.1
  5. The Next Night: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman THEME No.2
  6. Struggle Scene: “Tumult” by Verdi
  7. The Thief Tried To Shoot Me (Accordion Music): Victor Record or Organ imitation
  8. I Found Your Brother: THEME No.1
  9. de Boise: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman
  10. Father Calom (Priest): “Maggiolotta” by Cullota
  11. Do Something Just To Comfort: “Alone” by Francheschi
  12. Dog of A Doctor: “Disperazione” by Becce
  13. Not In The Presence of Your Dead: “Pleading” by Wood
  14. Church Interior (Play and stop organ music as per action of priest): Organ Improvisation
  15. After You Left, Father: “You and I” by Lotter
  16. The Paris That Is Not Seen: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman THEME No.3
  17. Fleurette at Statue of Jesus: “Lead Kindly Light” by Hymn
  18. Fleurette, This is Sacrilege: “The Ravage” by Hoffman
  19. Street Cleaners See Man In Sewer Hole: “Gloomy Forest” by Axt THEME No.4
  20. Father, I Also Went: “Abusive Thoughts” by Hoffman
  21. First You Must Return The Jewels: THEME No.3
  22. Jetteur You Must Give: “Looms of Fater” by St. Seans
  23. Fleurette In Church: “Lead Kindly Light” by Hyn
  24. Doctor Ascends Steps of Church; THEME No.4
  25. I Present My Wife—Wait for music (accordion): Victor Record or Organ imitation
  26. Jetteur Drinking From Glass: “Sad Thoughts” by Patou
  27. Jetteur Arrives Home: THEME No.3
  28. You Know He’s Not Dead: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman
  29. Fleurette and Jetteur Struggling: “Furioso” by Kiefert
  30. Tomorrow: “Song of Songs” by Moya
  31. I Should Not Mind: Warning for Chord

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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A Race For Life

Title: A Race For Life

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Suggestions listed first; Taxable Suggestions second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “One Sweet Day” by Zamecnik
  2. Boy (Danny) Appears: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman; “The Plotters” by Carrozini
  3. Letter To Mother: “Andante” by Hoffman; “Berceuse” by Jarnfeldt
  4. Danny Gets On Train; “Smiles” by Somerville; “Spirit of Youth” by Dahlquist
  5. ‘Bout Two Hundred Bucks: “Dovce Recontre” by G. Marie; “Heart’s Desire” by Renard
  6. Man Gets Rope: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Erl King” by Schubert
  7. Morning—With The Freight: “Flowing River” by Winlaw; “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  8. Robert Hammond Had: “Pearl O’Mine” by Fletcher; “Amour Decu” by Borch
  9. Danny and Dog Run Away: “Winds and Wave” by Hoffman; “Cavatine” by Baron
  10. I Had To Fix Him Up: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  11. Bob’s Driver: “Grave Humor” by Becce; “Appasionato No.1” by Rapee
  12. Why That Kid Can Drive: “Aeroplane” by Lamothe; “Galop” by Minot
  13. That’s Almost The Fastest: “Frolics and Youth” by Hoffman; “Mirth and Merriment” by DeLille
  14. Letter To Mother: “Chattering” by G. Marie; “Evening Hour” by Hulten
  15. Boy Dey Is Selling: “Knick Knacks” by Shebek; “Flirtation” by Gross
  16. Rinty Was A Self Appointed: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman; “Prowling Schemers” by Carabotta
  17. Man Beats Horse With Brush: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Rage” by Axt
  18. Ammonia Blinds Rinty: “Sad Thoughts” by Patou; “By Gones” by Rapee
  19. We’ve Got To Kill The Brute: “Patience Under Pain” by Becce; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  20. A Week Passed: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “Merriment” by Kempinski
  21. With Rinty In Hiding: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Day of Doom” by Joels
  22. Gangsters Search Stables: “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  23. Oh Bob I’m So Sorry: “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman; “Enigma” by Borch\
  24. Stay Here Rinty: “Catastrophe” by Patou; “Distress” by Breil
  25. They’re Off (race): “Kiddy” by Latann; “Roller Coaster” by Schertzinger
  26. Black Raider Wins: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Love’s Romance” by Padney
  27. Dog Joins Danny At Carriage: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Powder My Back

Title: Powder My Back

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Suggestions listed first; Taxable Suggestions second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Magic Grandeur” by Hoffman; “Enemies of Women” by Peters
  2. The Chorus of Powder: “Caprice” by Somerville; “Graciousness” by Smith
  3. You Reporters Can’t See: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  4. Baron Aims Revolver: “Critical Moment” by Becce; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  5. “Dead” Man Is Alive: “Demoiselle Chic” by Fletcher; “Lady Lilly” by Fresco
  6. It Pays To Advertise: “Song and Dance” J. Morris Publication; Feist Publication
  7. Stop! Stop!: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Rage” by Axt
  8. Notice To Members Of Closing: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Forlorn Hopes” by Delile
  9. It Got Dark Soon: “Catastrophe” by Becce; “The Rabble” by Herbert
  10. Hand Knocks On Door: “Beware” by Rosey; “Phantom Visions” by Stevenson
  11. That’s Very Distressing: “Canter Woods” by Felix; “Enchantment” by Penn
  12. The Town Tattler: “My Little Billiken” by Lotter; “Zazra” by Bowen
  13. So You’re Acting Nurse: “Vengeance” by Francheschi; “Appasionato No.3” by Axt
  14. Sit Down You Look So: “May Frolics” by Culotta; “Soubrette” by Silbert
  15. I Believe You’re In Love: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce; “Dram. Appas.” By Ciganeri
  16. I Didn’t Realize: “Golden Youth” by Rosey; “Norma” by Luz
  17. Hale Enters Home: “Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Threatening Elements” by Schad
  18. (Newspaper) REFORM CANDIDATE: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce; “Appasionato No.2” by Axt
  19. I’m Out of the Race: “Ivano” by Amadei; “So This Is Love” by Goetz
  20. Girl Enters Miss Foy’s Room: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Farcical Allegro” by Aborn
  21. Jack Enters (Claude at Harp): “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Song of Songs” by Moya
  22. Miss Foy—Fritzi Darling: “Grand Appasionato” by Becce; “Love’s Enchantment” by Varley
  23. Shall We Elope Now Jackie: “Vivienne” by Finck; “Mamselle Caprice” by Baron
  24. (Photo) Chorus of Old King Cole: “The Sacrifice” by Patou; “Dramatic Finale” by Noyes
  25. There’s A Taxi Downstairs: “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “Recitative Heroique” by Rapee
  26. Say Would You Marry A Woman: “Smile A Little Bit” by Morton; “Laughing Beauties” by Berge
  27. Forgive Me Please: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “Love Motive” by Chetsam
  28. He’s Killed Himself: “Tumult” by Verdi; “Plainte Passione” by Baron
  29. Newspaper Close-Up: Repeat Love Eyes; Repeat Love Motive
  30. Prisoner Sits Down: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Pay As You Enter

Title: Pay As You Enter

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Suggestions listed first; Taxable Suggestions second

  1. At Screening of Film: “Smiles” by Sommerville; “Redzi” by Caludi
  2. It Was All My Fault: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Cupid’s Frolic” by Miles
  3. You stick To Me: “Disturbance” by Hoffman; “Thrills” by Sanders
  4. Lunch Counter: “Canter In The Woods” by Felix; “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  5. Yvonne de Russo: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “In Flowerland” by Golden
  6. I’m A Collector: “Freedom” by Jenkins; “Pomposo” by Egener
  7. You’re So Strong: “Little More Pepper” by Pub. By Vandersloot; “Merriment” by Kempinski
  8. Dirty Work: “Beware” by Rosey; “Gruesome Tales” by Axt
  9. A Whiff of Old Spain: “Los Toros” by Lacome; “Cachuca” by Roberts
  10. Conductor Measures Underwear: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “Mischief Makers” by Carabotta
  11. Figher Puts On Derby Hat: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman; “Mystical” by Kempinski
  12. Fighter Goes Down Stairs: “Vivienne” by Finck; “Lady Lily” by Fresco
  13. Spanish Girl: Repeat Los Toros; Repeat Cachua
  14. Conductor and Fat Man: “Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Desperation” by Schad
  15. I Don’t Feel Right: “En Visite” by MacDonald; “Mamselle Caprice” by Baron
  16. Cornestist Blows Trumpet (Short Bugle Call) and No Music Until Band Starts
  17. Band Starts Grand March (Start With Band): “Stabat Mater” by Rosey-Rossini; “Enemies of Women” by Peters
  18. Band Stops (After Conductor Blows His Nose) Stop With Band
  19. Two Stop: “Two Step” by Jenkins Publication; Feist Publication
  20. Trumpet Call and Wait Until
  21. Musicians Get Hot (Waltz): “Dreams of Love” by Liszt-Rosey; “Dreams of Love” by Liszt
  22. Whose The Next Couple (2nd Waltz): “Sakuntala” by Goldmark; “Norma” by Luz
  23. Music Stops
  24. La-Dees and Gents There’s No Use: “Caprice” by Somerville; “Fleurette” by Axt
  25. We’re Poisoned: “Trembling Anxiety” by Hoffman; “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  26. Out of My Life False Friend: “You and I” by Lotter; “Memories” by Blossom
  27. Now Do Just What I: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman; “Fourteen Fathoms” by Lake
  28. Where’s The Money: “Nottambuli” by Cuscani; “Farcical Allegro” by Savino
  29. Fighter Takes Money From Her Stocking: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “The Get Away” by Frey
  30. Conductor Climbs Down From Car Roof: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “So This Is Love” by Goetz
  31. They Embrace: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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One Stolen Night

Title: One Stolen Night

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Descriptive Filmusic Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening Of Title: “Magic Grandeur” by Hoffman
  2. Dolly’s—A Small Algerian: “Persian March” by Strauss
  3. Jeane, A Waif: “Devotion” by Ward
  4. Oh, Mama, Do Not Excite: “Arioso” by Frey
  5. So You Think You Steal: “Dram. Andante” by Berge
  6. Each Night Alfgar’s Café: “Fox Trot”
  7. Man Enters Carriage: “Agitato Appassionato” by Borch
  8. Oriental Dancer: “On Streets of Cairo” by Huller
  9. Presenting Chira: “Balarinas Vision” by Brahms
  10. Woman Wraps Whip Around Girl’s Neck: “Destruction” by Hoffman
  11. Mother and I Travelled: “Song of Love” THEME
  12. Soldiers Scene: “A La Carte” by Holzman
  13. Bob and Man In Room: “Dramatic Tension” by Borch
  14. And Then I Wandered: THEME
  15. Chira Was Found In The Street: “Pleureuse” by Brunelli
  16. The Next Night: THEME
  17. Café Scene: “Marche Orientale” by Tavan
  18. The Next The Most Dangerous: “Dramatic Appeal” by Jores
  19. Jeane, We Must Get: THEME
  20. Madam, If You’re At Leisure: “Scenes Picturesque” by Massanet
  21. Morning Brought: “Recitatif Dramatique” by Baron
  22. Darling, I Hate To See You Go: THEME
  23. Barroom, Man Drinking: “Consolation” by Hoffman
  24. You’ll Never Get Any Money: “Descriptive Agitato” by Boehnlein
  25. Camels Arrive At Pasha’s Palace: “Egyptian March” by Strauss
  26. And You’re Not A Deserter: “Dreams” by Wagner
  27. That’s A Lie: “Incidental No.4” by Kempinski
  28. Girls Dancing Before Pasha: “India Colors” by Hoffman
  29. Bob Climbing Over Wall: “Incidental No.3” by Kempinski
  30. Mama, If You Love Your Man: “Serenade Romantique” by [Damaged]
  31. So You Think You’re Going: “Disturbance” by Hoffman
  32. Jeane, My Darling: THEME
  33. He Kisses Girl: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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One Round Hogan

Title: One Round Hogan

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Tax-Free Suggestions listed first; Taxable Suggestions second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Catastrophe” by Patou; “Dramatic Finale” by Smith
  2. Just Like The Kick: “Uneasiness” by Mendelssohn; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  3. And Bob Didn’t Miss: “Caprice” by Sommerville; “Coonella” by Fredericks
  4. Year—She Just Found: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Punch & Judy” by Herbert
  5. Games and Beach Scenes: “Frolics and Youth” by Hoffman; “Merriment” by Kempinski
  6. Hogan Was In Love: THEME “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Love’s Reward” by Hauenschild
  7. Here’s A Fighter, Sis: “Song of Love” by Liszt; “Norma” by Luz
  8. Yes Sir, It Is: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce; “Cavatine” by Baron
  9. She Picks Up A Doll: THEME
  10. (Sign) TO-NIGHT, etc.: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik; “Celtic” by O’Donnell
  11. Fight Scene: “Cheero” by Finck; “Lovelette” by Levy
  12. Remember Son: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  13. Fight Starts: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw; “Thrills” by Sanders
  14. Knock-Out Scene: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman; “Desolation” by Conterno
  15. Send For The Coroner: “Bygone Days” by Carr; “Silent Sorrows” by Baron
  16. One Round Hogan Was: “Trist Convoi” by Borch; “Broken Hearts” by Sommerville
  17. Pretending To Sympathize: “Sakuntala” by Goldmark; “Cheritza” by Breau
  18. Man Molests Girl: “The Ravage” by Hoffman; “Allegro Infernal” by Aborn
  19. There’s Your Cheese Champion: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman; “Dramatic Conflict” by Levy
  20. Hogan Gets Up: THEME
  21. Punching Bag Scene: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  22. They Meet Hogan At Boat: “Grave Humor” by Becce; “Dramatic Narrative” by Pement
  23. A Pool Room Brawl Won’t: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce; “Rage” by Axt
  24. Running & Training Scenes: “Golden Sand” by Finck; “Scherzetto” by Berge
  25. Messenger Boy Delivers Letter: THEME
  26. Then The Big Fight: “Dramatic Prelude” by Halevy; “Dramatic Prelude” by Winkler
  27. Fighters Enter Ring: “Carnival Gaiety” by Juon; “Graviousness” by Smith
  28. Bell (one stroke); “Infernal Furioso” by Hoffman; “The Rabble” by Herbert
  29. Bell Ends First Round: “Distress” by Breil; “Dramatic Reproach” by Berge
  30. Bell Signals: Repeat Infernal Fuiroso; Repeat The Rabble
  31. Bell Stops Second Round: Repeat Distress; Repeat Dramatic Reproach
  32. Bell Starts Next Round: Repeat Infernal Fuiroso; Repeat The Rabble
  33. Bell Stops Third Round: Repeat Distress; Repeat Dramatic Reproach
  34. Bell Starts Last Round: Repeat Infernal Fuiroso; Repeat The Rabble
  35. Dad Holds Picture: THEME
  36. Auto Starts Away: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: Hrxrh5qnYT

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On Trial

Title: On Trial

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Descriptive Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening: “Cuore en Pina” by Gracchino THEME No.1
  2. In Order To Refresh: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta THEME No.2
  3. When His Honor Assigned: “Catastrophe” by Patou THEME No.3
  4. Will You Put These: THEME No.1
  5. Joan Dearest: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik
  6. Then Later On: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman
  7. Burglar and Woman Struggle (shot): “The Ravage” by Hoffman
  8. Court Room Scene: THEME No.1
  9. Flash To Struggle Scene: Repeat The Ravage
  10. I Knew The Card Would Prove: THEME No.1
  11. I Don’t Want My Child To Testify: THEME No.2
  12. Daddy Was In Cleveland Buying Us A Home: “Golden Youth” by Rosey
  13. You Bet, Big Enough: “Caprice” by Somerville
  14. Never Touch That Gun: THEME No.2
  15. It’s Two Hundred and Six: “Disperazione” by Becce
  16. There’s A Mr. Burke: “Pleading” by Wood
  17. I Don’t Want To Take This: THEME No.3
  18. Please Bob, Don’t Torture: “Appassionato” by Rapee
  19. Don’t Make Me Talk Anymore: “Tormentor” by Hoffman
  20. Fade-Out of Court Room Scene: THEME No.1
  21. Strickland On Stand: “Appassionato No.3” by Axt
  22. Next Morning We Had Breakfast: “June Charmant” by Godin
  23. Man Appears With Telegram: THEME No.3
  24. I Must Have Fainted: “Alone” by Francheschi
  25. She Has Told Her Truth. Let Her Alone: THEME No.2
  26. Strickland Leaves Stand: THEME No.1
  27. Doctor Leaves Stand: “Abusive Tongues” by Hoffman
  28. Read The Last Part: THEME No.3
  29. I Forgive You: THEME No.1
  30. Trask Kisses Little Girl: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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Old San Francisco

Title: Old San Francisco

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


NOTE: Missing taxable suggestions

  1. At Screening: “Marcia Pomposo” by Wgener
  2. The Vasquez Estate: “Charme D’Espange” by Mezza
  3. In The Stable: “Preludio” by Cordova
  4. A Vasquez Avenges: “Dovce Recontre” by Gabriel Marie
  5. Church Bell Rings (Bell Only-No Music)
  6. The Story: “The Flowerland” by Golden
  7. To Michael Brandon: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  8. ‘Tis You That Is: “Love Eyes” by Zamecnik THEME
  9. The Rancho Is Not For Sale: “Ferocity” by Carrozzini
  10. The Chinese Question: “In Pekin” by Ansell
  11. Vasquez—The Old Fool: “Dame Cavalieri” by Frontini
  12. Dwarfed By Nature: “Chinese Festival” by Rickard
  13. Young Man Arrives In Carriage: THEME
  14. This Sword Which Took: “Maggiolata” by Culotta
  15. Somewhere On The Mile: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln
  16. Let Me See The Young: “Sweet Lavender” by Wheeler
  17. Poodle Dog Café: “Nottambuki” by Cuscina
  18. Old Man Enters Saloon: “March On Christian Soldiers
  19. Father Forgive Theme: “Rosemary” by Wheeler
  20. Dolores Sees Young Man: THEME
  21. After A Long Night: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans
  22. Man Opens Gate and Enters: “Loitering Shadows” by Hoffman
  23. Man Stops Praying: “Serenade” by Leoncavalo
  24. Dolores Alone: THEME
  25. At 112 Sierra Street: “Green Vipers” by Hoffman
  26. It’s My Duty: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman
  27. Why Do You Suppose: “The Ravage” by Hoffman
  28. Surely The Senorita: “Eccitamento” by Retlaw
  29. There Are Some Services: “Dreams of Yesterday” by Humphries
  30. We Have Orders: “Distrurbance” by Hoffman
  31. If You’re Trying: “Distress” by Breil
  32. Vasquez Falls Dead (Bells): “Cuore en Pina” by Gracchino
  33. Chinese Talking: “Chang” by Finck
  34. Another Victim: “Voyage en Chine” by Bazin
  35. Dolores Comes Down Steps: “Fiendish Eyes” by Hoffman
  36. I—I Never Spoke More Falsely: “Grand Appassionato” by Becce
  37. The Labryinths: “Plotting” by Rosey
  38. Knowing Your Exquisite Taste: “White and Yellow Faces” by Hoffman
  39. Chang Opens Safe: “Storm Furioso” by Minot
  40. And This Underworld: “March On Christian Soldiers”
  41. Fire Starts: “Etna” by Francheschi
  42. Dwarf & Lover Search Ruins: “L’Abine” by Francheschi
  43. Ashes of Disaster: THEME
  44. Rocking Horse Scene: CHORD Until THE END

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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My Man

Title: My Man

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Descriptive Filmusic Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening of Title (Watch cuckoo in clock): “Smiles” by Somerville
  2. Fanny Brand: “Demoiselle Chic” by Fletcher
  3. Good-Bye, Dear (Catch 12 o’clock whistle): “Love Lesson” by Fresco
  4. Fanny Stands On Table: “Floradora Baby” by Popular
  5. I Warned You: “Agony of the Soul” by Becce THEME 1
  6. Up In The Head Is The Feathers (Song): “I’m An Indian” by Poular
  7. Thank You Very Much: “Pastime” by Clutsam THEME 2
  8. Joe Halsey: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman THEME 3
  9. Klein—From The Floor Below: THEME 2
  10. Edna Arrives Home, Sees Cake: “Disperazione” by Becce THEME 4
  11. But You Haven’t Answered: “Freischutz” by Weber
  12. (Letter) Waldo Theatrical Enterprises: “Golden Youth” by Rosey
  13. Pianist Plays Introduction and Fanny Sing: “Second Hand Rose” by Popular
  14. Very Good Miss Brad: THEME 2
  15. Since When Are You Too Busy: THEME 1
  16. Fanny Sings Again (Same Song): “Second Hand Rose” by Popular
  17. I Fear You Haven’t: “Solemn Thoughts” by Hoffman
  18. Dancer (fast dance and piano music): “My Blackbirds” by Friend
  19. Fade-Out of Dancer: THEME 3
  20. Couple At Table: THEME 2
  21. Ah Ha! The Muscle Man: “Wings of Love” by Fuzy
  22. Several Weeks Later: THEME 2
  23. Glad To See You: THEME 3
  24. Edna In Bed: “Zelma” by Haines
  25. An Annual Outing: “Etiquette Blues” by Bibo
  26. Pianist Starts and Fanny Sings (My Man) Lively: “My Man” by Popular
  27. Joe Runs Into Ocean: “Caprice” by Somerville
  28. Edna Reading Magazine: “Pleading” by Wood
  29. She Puts Down Phonograph Record Entitled (“Love’s Sweet Dream” Waltz) Starts Playing As She Takes Hands From Phonograph: “Waltz” by Victor Record
  30. Fanny’s Coming Out Now: THEME 4
  31. Fanny Hears (and sees) Phonograph Record: “Waltz” by Victor Record
  32. You and Fanny Are Not Suited: “Alone” by Francheschi
  33. Gee! Fanny You Look Great: THEME 1
  34. Edna Leaves House With Suit Case: “Sad Thoughts” by Patou
  35. Joe’s Downstairs: “Jane” by Bibo
  36. Fanny Sings Very Slowly Chorus MY MAN: “My Man” by Popular
  37. Song Ends: “You and I” by Lotter
  38. Theatre Sign RAINBOW REVIEW: “Fox Trot”
  39. This Great Success: THEME 4
  40. Joe Leaves Edna In Seat: “Marvelous” by Rose & Breen
  41. Fanny In Long Dress Again Sings MY MAN. Continue My Man in March Tempo As Encore and As Exit March: “My Man” by Popular

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: qeTTyznoXv

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The Missing Link

Title: The Missing Link

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1927


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Songs are listed as Tax-Free first and Taxable second

  1. At Screening of Titles: “Disturbance” by Hoffman; “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  2. Braden’s Vast Estate: “White & Yellow” by Hoffman; “In the Sudan” by Sebek
  3. England—Where Royalty: “English Anthem” Hawke’s Edition; Carl Fischer Edition
  4. Lord Dryden, A Woman Hater: “Norma” by Luz; “Thelma” by Stahl
  5. Syd Sits In Woman’s Lap: “Destruction” by Hoffman; “Hurry” by Simon
  6. Lord Dryden and Syd (Watch Steam Whistle): “Merry Playmates” by Howgill; “Redzi” by Caludi
  7. Monkey Pours Paste Over Man (Whistle Blows Again): “Argument” by Breil; “Agitation” by Borch
  8. Syd Dresses As Scotchman: “Wee Maccreegor” by Amers; “Lassie” by Mclean
  9. If I Gave You: “Smile A Little Bit” by Morton; “Laughing Beauties” by Berge
  10. Vale In Closet (Syd Scares Him): “Disterss” by Breil; “Dramatic Conflict” by Levy
  11. Your Disguise Is Perfect: “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross; “Strolling Dolly” by Lindgreen
  12. Bombasia Africa: “Beads & Saddles” by Hoffman; “Algiers” by Ansell
  13. Far Back in the Jungles (Watch tom-tom drums): “Fanatic Dervish” by Becce; “Hindoo Hop” by Levy
  14. Syd Drops Hankerchief: “Frocity” by Carrozzini; “Rage” by Axt
  15. Sunday in Africa: “Serenade” by Leoncavalo; “Withered Flowers” by Keifert
  16. Girl Joins Syd On Sofa: “Animal Crackers” by Pub. Waterson; “Aba Daba” by Pub. Feist
  17. She Tells His Fortune: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman; “Song of Songs” by Moya
  18. THE MISSING LINK: “The Plunderer” by Hoffman; “Tensive Allegro” by Aborn
  19. I Know Your Anxious To Go: “May Frolics” by Culotta; “Soubrettte” by Silbert
  20. Syd Makes Motions To Lord: “Spectral Images” by Hoffman; “The Clown” by Peele
  21. Monkey Forces Door: “Storm Music” by Haines; “Storm Music” by Minot
  22. Syd Hides Under Bed: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman; “Graciousness” by Smith
  23. He Locks Monkey in Closet: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman; “Plainte Passione” by Baron
  24. Nothing Can Harm Me: “Canter Woods” by Felix; “Enchantment” by Penn
  25. The Hunt: “Tumult” by Verdi; “Bold Riders” by Carrabotta
  26. Monkey At Door Peeps In: “African Moon” by Earle; “Impish Elves” by Borch
  27. Missing Link Enters House: “The Hurricaine” by Egener; “Disaster” by Savino
  28. Syd Ties Missing Link To Post: “Furioso” by Keifert; “Storm & Strife” by Sommerville
  29. Monkey Under Bed Cover: “My Little Billiken” by Lotter; “Zazra” by Bowen
  30. Whatever You Are: “Love In May” by Breau; “Love Motive” by Chetsam
  31. They Sit On Floor: CHORD FINISH

Source: Carl Braun Collection

SFSMA ID: wjFLoXp1a7

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The Million Dollar Collar

Title: The Million Dollar Collar

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Descriptive Filmusic Co., 1929


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening of Title: “You and I” by Lotter
  2. I Had Them: “Maggiolotta” by Cullotta THEME No.1
  3. LINE LODGE HOTEL: “Winds and Waves” by Hoffman
  4. Auto With Dog and Mack: “The Ravage” by Hoffman THEME No.3
  5. Tramp Rescues Dog: THEME No.2
  6. Dog Swims To Shore: “Alone” by Francheschi
  7. Stop Acting: THEME No.1
  8. I Just Got The Chief’s Letter: THEME No.2
  9. Your Room Is Ready: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman THEME No.4
  10. Rinty, We Seem To Be Carrying: THEME No.2
  11. Brother and Sister in Woods: THEME No.3
  12. My Brother Suggested: THEME No.4
  13. After A Week: “Dreams of Love” by Rosey
  14. Gee It Must Be Great: THEME No.1
  15. French, There’s A Hobo: THEME No.3
  16. Just A Minute, I’ll Explain: “Caprice” by Somerville
  17. Hey, Do You See What I See: THEME No.2
  18. What Was The Idea of Impersonating Ed Mack: THEME No.3
  19. They Take Collar From Him: “Catastrophe” by Patou
  20. Dog Runs Away With Collar: “Flick and Flock” by Patou
  21. Wait, I Don’t Want To Hurt My Sister: THEME No.3
  22. Dog Leaves And Men Give Chase: “Furioso” by Kiefert
  23. Jail Scene: “Smiles” by Somerville
  25. They Kiss: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Midnight Taxi

Title: The Midnight Taxi

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


Songs are listed as Tax-Free first and Taxable second

  1. At Screening of Title: “Caprice” by Somerville; “Graciousness” by Smith
  2. Joe Brandt, Known At: “Grave Humor” by Becce THEME no.1; “Dramatic Suspense” by Winkler THEME No.1
  3. Nan Parker: “The Tormentor” by Hoffman THEME No.2; “Threatening Elements” by Schad THEME No.2
  4. Pardon Me, Miss: “Pastime” by Clutsam; “Whimsical Charms” by Fresco
  5. Prison Scene: THEME No.1
  6. Taxi’s Got The Cash: “Enigma” by Borch; “Mystical Tension” by Kempinski
  7. This Is My Secretary: “Wings of Love” by Fuzy; “Sparklets” by Miles
  8. Well, I’m Glad To See: “Demoiselle Chic” by Fletcher; “Lady Lilly” by Fresco
  9. I Thought You Were: “Golden Youth” by Rosey; “Norma” by Luz
  10. Right After Midnight: “May Frolics” by Culotta; “Cupid’s Surprise” by Gross
  11. Hold-Up: “Trembling Anxiety” by Hoffman; “Restless Bows” by Srawley
  12. Well, What’s The Game: THEME No.1
  13. May I Go: THEME No.2
  14. After A Night: “Dream of Love” by Rosey; “Love is All” by Herbert
  15. James Crowley—Bondsman’s Office: THEME No.1
  16. Airplane Starts: “Flick and Flock” by Patou; “Thrills” by Sanders
  17. How Long Do We Stop: THEME No.1
  18. Porter Empties Bottle: “Furioso” by Kiefert; “Disaster” by Savino
  19. We’re Gonna Keep On Shootin’: “Storm Music” by Haines; “The Hurricaine” by Egener
  20. I Cut The Car Loose: THEME No.1
  21. Newspaper Close-Up: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans; “Thelma” by Stahl
  22. But Before I Go: “Love In May” by Breau; “Love Motive” by Chetsam
  23. They Kiss: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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The Little Wildcat

Title: The Little Wildcat

Author: Michael Hoffman

Publisher: Tax-Free Filmusic Co., 1928


Format: Cue Sheet

Document type: Cue Sheet

All authors/contributors: Michael Hoffman

OCLC Number:


  1. At Screening of Title: “Smiles” by Sommervile
  2. Crowds At Race Track: “Flick & Flock” by Patou
  3. After Race: “Cherry Ripe” by Cussans
  4. What Do You Know About: “Parade of Wooden Soldiers”
  5. There’s That Flying Lunatic: “Disturbance” by Hoffman
  6. Sue Holt: “Caprice” by Sommerville
  7. Don’t Forget Victor: “Playful Moments” by Hoffman
  8. Two Gentlemen from Chamber: “Emotional Conflict” by Becce
  9. Tell The Chamber of Commerce: “Vengeance” by Francheschi
  10. Conrad Burton: “Sweet Memories” by Singorski
  11. Conrad Unconscious On Groud: “Grand Appasionato” by Becce
  12. It’s Lucky I Yelled: “Demoiselle Chic” by Fletcher
  13. Don’t Bother: “Love Triumphant” by Joels
  14. What Seems To Be The Trouble: “May Frolics” by Cullotta
  15. I Thought I Heard: “Violent Tempers” by Hoffman
  16. If He Ever Finds Out: “Song of Romance” by Hoffman
  17. Grandfather, I Want You: “Critical Moment” by Becce
  18. Why, Conrad, You’re Not Leaving: “Le Secret” by Piackert
  19. Tell The Truth: “Maggiolotta” by Culotta
  20. That Was Almost the End: “Mona” by MacLean
  21. Letter Close-Up: “Tormentor” by Hoffman
  22. Old Men In Uniform: “Marches of Lincoln Days”
  23. Auto Disturs Drill Practice: “Merry Playmates” by Howgill
  24. I Quit: “Pastime” by Clutsam
  25. What’s That: “Turbulent Tensions” by Hoffman
  26. Letter—Dearest Sue: “Disperazione” by Becce
  27. I Hope It Isn’t True: “The Ravage” by Hoffman
  28. If I Were In Your Shoes: “Pangs of Passion” by Hoffman
  29. Old Men In Hallway: “Trembling Anxiety” by Hoffman
  30. Couple Hid Behind Curtains: “Tumult” by Verdi
  31. Hands Off, You Fools: “Freischutz” by Weber
  32. Aftrer the ‘Armistice’: “Marching Thru Georgia”
  33. Married Couples In Airplanes: “Little More Pepper” by Lincoln
  34. I Still Claim It Was You: CHORD

Source: Carl Braun Collection


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